Hey who all on here hunts, and if so what do you hunt? What are some of your favorite game to hunt?

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Deer for over 50 years. I missed my first shot at age 12. My father really chided me on that error. Since then, I have always stealth hunted, and every single shot, almost 80 have been within a bullet diameter of dead between the eyes. Never had one take a step. Occasionally squirrels or rabbits to eat. I eat everything. Waste nothing. The only hunting for sport is terrorists.
I hunted pheasant and rabbit since I was prolly 12-13. Only have ever gotten pheasants in the fields because the rabbits are usually gone before I even realize that one just ran out in front of me. I started deer hunting back in high school and have only ever gotten one deer prolly 4-5 years ago. I get out about every year but I either don't see anything I can get a shot off at or it is a really young one that I am not going to shoot since it probably just lost its spots haha. I usually start out in a blind in the morning while they are moving around more and then closer to noon I get out of the blind and start walking around and that is how I got my deer a few years back.
I do I do .. part of growing up in a rural farming community .. southwest WI ..

.. squirrel, rabbit, crow, coyote, white tail.. on the farm

.. prairie dog .. coyote .. varmint .. northwest of Highmore SD

When I & my siblings manage to all get together back @ family farm .. friendly contests generally result ..

.. 2 of my bros instructing 2 of their nephews .. a .17 rem in the foregnd .. a .223 behind ..

..grew up w/ “you eat what you shoot” strictly enforced .. if Dad caught you shooting something & just letting it lay .. you lost gun privileges for a wk or so .. obvious exclusions for obvious varmints ..

.. nowadays .. shoot mostly paper ..
I've hunted deer,turkey,squirrel,rabbit,coyote,pheasant,quail. I've been hunting since i was 10 when i got my first rabbit, since then i've been hooked on hunting anything i can. I like spot a stalk but sometimes i will sit in a stand. I was told if you don't want to eat what you kill then don't kill it so i only shoot things that i would like to eat. I like Andy's "the only hunting for sport is terrorists" line. Happy hunting.
Waterfowl, upland and big game for over 50 years and I've been guiding at a fly-in hunting and fishing lodge in Arctic Canada for fourteen years--which I and four other owned until I sold out last year to retire.

To date I've taken three kinds of seal, walrus, musk ox, narwhal, coyote, all colours of foxes and wolves, moose, whitetail, mule deer, pronghorn antelope, big horn sheep, Rocky Mtn. goat, chamois, roe, fallow and red deer but I've never taken an elk.

I hunt blackpowder, archery and high power seasons and I also teach the mandatory hunter safety course (NRA Range Master) and northern survival courses.

I'm planning a hunting trip to New Zealand with cousins who live there, a bird (dove) shooting and fly fishing trip to Argentina and I really want to do Africa but only for plains game, warthog and lion--I'm not interested in elephant but really want a croc and hippo and I can take or leave Cape buffalo.
Shlomo, someone on here does game hunting/guiding in Africa.  Let me think of who it is

Shlomo, take the Cape.

I have absolutely no experience with exotic game hunting, but I've enjoyed more than a few books on the subject. One thing I always found, in my studies at least, was a deep respect for all things Cape Buffalo. I'm sure there are a few that hold the beast in a lower bracket of respect, but I wouldn't want to be unarmed around one. You've taken an impressive list of game, congrats to you on the many accomplishments. I'm sure you have more than a few good campfire tales for us.


I'm a new guy to the woods, in comparison to you. Other than the true American trophy whitetail, I've really not had the opportunity to take a wide variety of game. But, I enjoy the romance of a simple day afield, or a quiet trout stream. There are more than a few on your list that I would love to just see in the wild, but I'd take a couple on a chilly morning hunt as well.


Thank you for sharing with us a bit of your memory, I'd love to hear some good tales if you have the time.

To answer the original question, yes I hunt.

Mostly small game, but we get out every year for Black Bear, Whitetail, and Turkey. I'm probably going to enter for the Elk drawing, but who knows how that will go. It would be an amazing experience for sure, so I'll try.

Forgot to mention caribou and black bear in my list and my rifle (.303 British) was loaned to an Inuit friend of mine to take a polar bear.

[b]Johnny Two Shoes –-[/b] It isn't the animal I'm that concerned about but the rifles--I have nothing heavier then a 9.3x72Rmm double rifle which while adequate for lion just isn't my first choice for buffalo, plus it's also banned from taken the larger animals (minimum .375 H&H) in lots of countries…I sold my .416 Rigby when I retired—it was my EDC rifle at the lodge (polar bear country) and my .425 and .318 Westley Richards rifles were destroyed in a house fire.

I was hoping to use only two bolt guns, a 7x57mm Mauser (.275 Rigby) for the smaller herbivores and a .340 Weatherby for the larger…I’d pass on the lion if they wouldn’t allow me to shoot it with the .340 or I’d have to borrow one of the pH’s guns if it really meant that much to me once I’m there…Elephant poses problems getting the ivory or anything else of it back into Canada plus the $10,000 license fee is a little steep—unless you can get onto a Game Department culling shoot.

I’ve been looking for an older .450/400 3” Jeffrey rifle (double of a Farquharson single) and if I get that then I’ll take that rifle along, probably replacing the .340 but I really don’t want to travel with more then two guns—excess baggage charges are terrible overseas plus the costs of bringing in guns to the countries, along with the paperwork can be taxing.

Shlomo, I understand your dilemma now.

Robert Ruark wrote, "Use Enough Gun". Well I wish you luck on your trip, but I also pray for safety. I'm sure there will me more than a few memorable moments for you on this trip. Shoot Straight my friend.

Thank you and I'll endevour to.

I had almost all of Ruark's books, eleven (seven autographed 1st editions) of fifteen volumes but they burnt with the rifles in the house fire.

Now I only have the following:
Poor No More
Something Of Value
The Honey Badger -- The above deal with the African's side of the issues from Mau Mau onwards--excellent reading
The Old Man And The Boy
The Old Man's Boy Grows Older
The Old Man's Boy Grows Up -- The "Boy" series was his finest writing
Horn Of The Hunter -- All about horned/antlered game
Use Enough Gun

I just ordered new:
The Lost Classics Of Robert Ruark... Editor Jim Casada

I found and ordered from a used bookseller:
Robert Ruark's Africa
One For The Road

Still missing:
Grenadine's Etchings: Her Life And Loves
Grenadine's Spawn
I Didn't Know It Was Loaded -- I found a couple of used volumes but one was in horrendous condition and far too expensive for that state and the other thought it was gold and charged accordingly.
You might want to try some of these classics on as well:
African – Big bores – Classics
Keith Elmer
Big Game Rifles And Cartridges
Keith's Rifles For Large Game

Lott J.
Big Bore Rifles (1983 Edition{)

Boddington Craig, Col.
Safari Rifles: Doubles, Magazine Rifles And Cartridges For African Hunting

Taylor John "Pondoro"
African Rifles And Cartridges (1948 Edition)
Big Game And Big Game Rifles (1948 Edition

McIntosh Michael
The Big Bore Rifle

African – Big bores
Truesdell S. R.
The Rifle: Its Development For Big Game Hunting (1947 Edition)

Waterman Charles F.
The Treasury Of Sporting Guns (1979 Edition)

Gray Alexander
The Hammerless Double Rifle

Woods Gregor
Rifles For Africa

Wright Graeme
Shooting The British Double Rifle - 2nd Edition

African Hunting
Capstick, Peter Hathaway
Death In A Lonely Land: More Hunting, Fishing And Shooting On Five Continents
Death In The Dark Continent
Death In The Long Grass
Death In The Silent Places
Last Horizons: Hunting, Fishing And Shooting On Five Continents
Peter Capstick's Africa: A Return To The Long Grass
Sands Of Silence: On Safari In Namibia
Safari: The Last Adventure
The African Adventure: A Return To The Silent Places

Selous, Frederick Courteney
A Hunter's Wanderings In Africa
A Hunter's Wanderings In Africa (1881 Edition)
** African Nature Notes And Reminiscences (1908 Edition) w/T. R.
Sport And Travel: East And West
Sunshine And Storm In Rhodesia (1896 Edition)
Travel And Adventure In South-East Africa (1893 Edition)

Teddy Roosevelt
Trail And Campfire w/George Bird Grinnel
On Hunting
** African Game Trails (1909 Edition)
Hunting In Many Lands
Life Histories Of African Game Animals - Volume 01 (1914 Edition) w/Edmund Heller
Life Histories Of African Game Animals - Volume 02 (1914 Edition) w/Edmund Heller
Through The Brazilian Wilderness (1914 Edition)
Good Hunting: In Pursuit Of Big Game In The West (1907 Edition)
Hunting Adventures Of A Ranchman
Hunting Trips Of A Ranchman (1885 Edition)
Ranch Life And The Hunting Trail (1888 Edition)
Ranch Life In The Far West
The Wilderness Hunter (1893 Edition)
Hunting Trips On The Prairie And In The Mountains
Outdoor Pastimes Of An American Hunter (1905 Edition)

Rifles in General
Carmichel Jim
Jim Carmichel's Book Of The Rifle (1963 Edition)
The Modern Rifle (1968 Edition)

O'Connor Jack
Jack O'Connor's Gun
The Big Game Rifle (1952 Edition)
The Hunting Rifle

I've replaced about 50% of the list and keep looking at used book stores etc.


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