Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

Views: 12365

Replies to This Discussion

Sweet looking Knives, Jan. I especially like the scrimshawed Whaler.

Rusty, those are two handsome Whalers. I like that Walnut stain Northfield - haven't seen that many pictures of that handle material. The ebony 5th year anniversary knife is great looking too! Can't wait to get mine - should be in the mail today!

Jan, I am envious of your's & Donnie's Rendezvous Whaler. That is very nice! You all picked up some great new knives while in PA. The Buffalo Horn knife that Johnny gave you is awesome too! I'll bet it came with some great field testing stories!

Great photo, Russell.  I still struggle to take decent pics. 



I have had alot better luck taking them outdoors than indoors.  Problem here is it works better on an overcast or just not bright day.  Yeah right, I live in FL, sunshine city!!!



Thanks.  Johnny's knife will always be an extremely special part of our collection.  Let us know when you get your whaler

Thanks for the comments on the knives all!!

About photos, as Jan mentioned outdoor natural light is the best, overcast days where the sun does not blank out a polished blade.  I took the Whalers under our covered patio, so only subdued light.  What I have also done to diffuse the light is to pick up a nylon storage tub, one that is hazy to look through, cut one side out and you have a light box of sorts, works very well, especially on days where you cannot hide from the sun.


Got a few new Hogan's and Whaler's when I returned. I need to take and post some pics. Will do so asap.

Funny you should mention field tests, I bought that knife for a wedding, I needed a flashy knife.... or... okay, I didn't need a flashy knife, but a knife should look as good as it's user. (And that knife is almost sexy enough) Just kidding, in a funny mood I guess. : )


But anyhow, that knife fit the bill perfectly and looked great for the wedding, I saved it for that special day, and thats how it got it's first day of EDC. I realize now that the knife was bought for Donnie, I just didn't know it yet, I hope that he likes it. When I got it I was afraid to use it, but after a while we did a lot together and I trusted it more.

Here is on of my favorite pics, this knife saved me.




This knife was washed and is/was perfectly clean, 100% safe. So don't worry about food prep, I would never leave it in a bad way. 

A fancy knife for a wedding? I grew up in WV but that's a new one on me! Just giving you a hard time. Were you planning on helping to cut the wedding cake? RW or your Elk toothpick would do a better job - no 1095 aftertaste!


LOL, gotta love that picture!!  The knife is almost as good looking as its first dad, and his step dad loves him very much.  As the weather cools in your area I know you are preparing for the hunts and we are anxiously awaiting more field tests.


We'll just go with Johnny loves to be a well dressed gentleman (and any excuse works for a new knife right?)  


Works for me. I would feel better knowing that the tick didn't come from the wedding though.  Just kidding!!!!!

Tom, I was planning on being the guy with the best looking knife, I nailed that one.... no competition. This was before I discovered GEC's SS, I was stuck in the world of Carbon steel. I'm so glad to have found GEC's SS, because I love it, I love the carbon too, but I need me some stainless.  


Jan, I don't love to be a well dressed man, I'm just really good at it. : )

You should hear some of my knife buying excuses..... it's sad. : (

I'm getting ready for the field tests, I got everything planned out and ready to go, I'm hoping to hunt hard this year. I'm sure to have at least one good story.


Please forgive me if I offended you in any way with my attempt at humor in my earlier post. Just trying to poke fun - sometimes my humor fails miserably (just ask Jan).

I too am stuck on 1095 but with the new GEC SS #72's have ventured into a new world of not having to check for pepper spots. I to do like GEC's SS. Maybe you should start a new discussion - Knife Buying Excuses. That might be cathartic for all of us. I buy way too many knives and more than once have wondered WHY! As much as I like the last knife that I bought I am constantly thinking of the next knife that I will buy. Darn things are like crack! Can't wait for your field test stories (& I'm sure many others thoroughly enjoy them too) - they should get me thinking of why I need to buy another knife. Have fun and test safely! Oh, I posted some of my new GEC's on my page. I don't know if there is a limit to the # of photos in an album because several aren't showing up in my GEC album but do show up in my photos. If you look at photos under MOST RECENT they do show up. I may need to do a #2 GEC album.


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