Lets review outdoor gear that our group members have tried and are willing to give their opinions on how good or bad the gear performed. New or just new to you. If someone else has tried the gear, please add your opinion too. Oh yea, we can review knives too.

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An outfitter asked me to try this product out. I found it usefull and very handy for an old guy with arthritis in his hands. A tarp or tent line adjustment is made easy with this little gadget. I give it an A+.

The perfect kit in a small pocket pouch that can be worn on a belt that contains all the necessities to get a fire going including a Army Swedish Fire Steel.
They'll work wet and throw a 5500 degree farenheit spark.
The perfect size to keep in the glove box, tackle box, back pack or pocket.  Don't go outdoors without one!!!

I like dat Miss Jan. Them Sweds sure got it going on.
And always just a small stone for the pocket

I give this Ameristep saw an A1 rating. It has a solid plastic handle, a blade lock, and is razor sharp and cuts like a demon. Very well built overall, I think the retail price is $10. I don't think you can beat that with a stick. Lightweight enough to carry as one of your cutlery trilogy.

That is a great deal.  Thanks for letting us see it too Robert
Someone gave me one like this to try and I forgot all about it. I'll dig it up and put it to use. Real neat Miss Jan, did you try it out?

Jan Carter said:
And always just a small stone for the pocket
Donnie carries one in the truck :)
Miss Jan, I'm still looking for mine, but this is a gear review I wish Y'all would give a report. Thanks.
Altoids...Peppermint candy. The little can that the candy comes in, is the most useful little container for carrying all sorts of outdoor gear. I use one for a small first aid kit and another for lighting fires on the trail. Your emagination is your only limitation of the things you can carry in these useful little cans. You might even have one for that small hidden knife. If any of you guys and gals have something special y'all carry in one, let us know.


I use the Altoids containers also.  I have 4 that I carry with misc items much like yours.  I have a pelican box that I keep them in so I dont have to search and everything in them is waterproofed by the box.  This box lets me move all of them at once from the boat bag to the camping gear

Pelican 1030 Case

So what is new in gear this year?


White River Knives

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