I just had to show off my latest "find". It is a Case XX era 6265SAB worm groove Red Bone (second cut I believe) folding hunter in excellent shape. I have its almost twin in a single blade sec cut red bone 6165. I picked this baby up at a local flea market. I dont know about everyone else but whenever I come across something like this at a flea market it doesnt get much better! Its like finding a needle in a haystack at times especially if you get a fair price on it. I go to one flea market every weekend where I know alot of guys that meet to buy, sell and trade knives, guns etc. and shoot the bull. Its almost like its own little club because its the same dozen or so people every week. I dont have a local knife club so this is the next best thing to it. The knife I am showing off wasnt obtained at this flea market which is why it made it that much more exciting when I came across it. I mean you know you are going to come across knives like this at knife shows and meets and stuff but you just never know when you are going to come across one at a flea market or antique shop etc. This is the reason I am addicted to knife collecting! Just thought I would share this with everyone. Thanks!

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Replies to This Discussion

Chris, Looks like you found a really nice knife. I don't have a local club either and having moved to Pennsylvania recently am not aware of many local shows. I got into collecting while living in North Carolina where a local club and many shows were more available.
Thanks for sharing your "find" with us. That's what keeps me going back to Flea Markets...looking for a special knife at a special price..don't find many, but the hunt is half the fun.
Nice pocket hunters. Give your camera a try outdoors with no flash. You'll like the results.
Great find. We have a local flea market called the "Dog Trade" on Sunday mornings. You have to get there at 5:30 to get a spot if selling and by the time you get out of your vehicle people will be there with a flashlight shining all over you asking what you brought to sell. Lots of knife guys walking around, but I have never found anything like what you pocketed. And most people think if they have a an old wore out Case knife (yellow handled 20% blade left with cracks all over) it must be worth $75. I go down there a couple times a year to move the pile of items that either don't fit my website or are not in good enough condition (mint, near mint). The flog me like chickens on a june bug; and I generally will sell most of my stuff before daylight. Then holler at the seller next to me and sell him the rest at one price. Home in time to go to church...

I am the same way any time I find a great deal on a knife. It must be like that initial rush of shooting up (don't know myself). When people ask how I got into this business, I tell them it is like dealing drugs; I had to start selling to support my habit!
Aren't the blades on the wrong side Chris? I would have to see the knife, but it appears to have been taken apart at some time.
Man you hit the nail on the head! You described what I experience exactly. We also have a flea market thats only open on Thurs, Fri and they also start before daylight and have very similar people with basically "junk" trying to sell for top dollar just because it is a Case knife or whatever. I am always at work on Thurs and Fri so very rarely get to go to this particular one. I also had to start buying/selling to support my habit. I usually will buy several knives and normally try to end up with at least one particular knife for free or sell something else that I already have that is less desirable to pay for any other knife that I am interested in. And it is like a major rush when you make that find. I am very "small time". I just dabble in a few knives here and there and try to invest as little as possible in what I want for my own collection. Usually if you have a couple bucks to invest it pays off in the long run.
Thanks Max! When I first read Dick's reply I was very concerned. I can understand why he thought the blades werent right because of the blades position and the stampings. I researched every book and picture I could find on this knife and discovered that the blades were correct. I was hoping someone else would confirm what I researched. I appreciate it. Whew! I am far from an expert and it has happened to me in the past where I purchase a knife that I "think" is a steal then get it home and discover something wrong with it. I am now extremely cautious before buying anything whether it be a $20.00 knife or a $200.00 knife. Thanks to all!
I have been thinking about joining NKCA myself but just havent done so yet. Im sure the book itself is worth the membership fee. I have also seen ads for this new book on Case knives ID. If I can remember correctly WR Case even advertised it in their most recent collectors club mailing. I will also add that to my collection of knife books. Thanks again!
Thanks!!! I appreciate your mention of my book.
The other comments are correct, due to the design of the 6265 the skinner blade was always in the front.

There is a very minor exception in that a very very few made with the Case Tested stamping were made with the skinner blade in the back...but that is almost a "one of a kind" knife.
Max, with all respect to Steve and his book, Jim Sargents' books"Americas Premioum Guide to Knives and Razors" Volume 6 and 7 are great and Ron Stewart repeats himself from one volume to the other like a cut and paste publication but either 5 or volume 6 is a pretty good overview of the history of knife companies. his appraisal methology uses up a third of the book and is worthless. Quantum Mechanics is much easier to grasp! Seek out a pro if you really have a knife you feel is valuable. Tony Foster (google tony foster knives) is Case's man for Road Show Appraising... He'll take your calls after 4:PM or you'll get his email from the google search (try Bing too) He's got a great Trapper article there for you trapper guys and gals. Steve Please do not be offended... your book is great!
I have seen one of those just recently - someone sent us an email asking if it was legit - we figured out it was but it took some time! It's always something new with knives, isn't it?


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