High-end, low end and everything in between I know there out there.  How about showing them to me and give a short note on the quality, especially of the cheap ones.

Here are my three Gerbers  To USA and one from China.

ist production Gerber Gator (USA)  Gerber Crevice (PRC) and Gerber EZ outThe crevice has a sheepfppt blade, the caribiner  doulbes as a bottle opener but could also be used a glass breaker, I think.  I chose the smooth edge.  Makes a good rope knife.  I reomved the clip from the E-Z out.  The gator didn't have one.

 My fave of the three is the Crevice.

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It was tactical back in the day.

A Frost Cliff Dweller TD006-40.   I assume this is one of their 100 knives for $100 knives.  They go online for anywhere from $5-$15.  It was given to me along with a about 30 or so other Frost products.  This was one of the few that wasn't passed along to someone else.

It's right at 3.5 inches without the Caribiner, and 4 inches with it.  (100 mm for you non Americans) The blade is about 2.5 inches or so (66 mm)   The clip will work as a cap-lifter in a pinch, although Frost has not listed this as an option.  Of course it is not a weight bearing clip.

I haven't tried the pocket clip but it is a design I don't like.   I think the knife rides to high in the pocket.   I guess it would be okay for hooking it to a belt or strap.  What I like least is that it interupts the otherwise great lines of this little knife.

Same knife next to a comparably priced MTech.  I think the frost knife looks better and works better. (The MTech is actually one that was given to my son by a friend of his.


What I like most:

1-The over all lines

2-the 440 a Stainless Steel blade with the bead blasted finish.

3-Red/Black-color scheme

4-The caribiner clip that works as a bottle opener.

5-the handy size


What I like least.

1-The liner lock has a tendency to drift over too far making it impossible to close with one hand.

2-The pocket clip.

3-It only has a right hand opening thumb stud (I'm a lefty)


Overall, I doubt this would be my choice for a day of rock climbing or mountaineering but it would be decent enough knife to go knock-about in the nearby forest, that is if you can get it for around $5 or so.

Here is one similar to the M tech except it is made by Frost.

Not known much to carry a "Tactical", but this is a favorite of mine;

Here's my "Shelf Sitter Tac";

Those are both nice, J.J. I like the extra touch of the lanyard and skulls.

Ditto on the lanyard!

After seeing all those nice looking tacs, it is kind of embarrassing showing this one.  To be fair, I knew it was junk when I bought it.  C'mon it was only around $6.50.  I bought it because it looked cool.  Maybe we all haven't done that, but I've done it more times than I care to admit.  Still the pattern almost defines "Tactical - Search & Rescue"

It has the speed assist opening, 1/2 serrated 440 Stainless steel  blacked out blade, seatbelt cutter and glass breaker.High Riding pocket clip, liner lock, aircraft aluminum scales (whatever that means) and stainless steel liners.

And if you flip the blade open enough it will have so much play, you'd think it is about to fall apart.  Of course it takes all of three seconds tighten the blade up and it is like new again.   This one is made by "Super Knife" which is kind of funny because they normally make box cutters. 

They give it a MSRP of $22 but you can buy them in bulk for $3-5 from various on-line sites.  They normally sell for $5-$12 on-line and at flea markets.  I sometimes thik they market these knives to gang-bangers as a "use and lose" knife.

Here is a Kabar that I bought about 6 months ago. I need to add this to my EDC and test it.

We've been showing a bunch of folders, do "Tactical" fixed blades count?

I've got a total of one that would fit the bill, excluding my K-bar and Ontario combat knives.


Let us know when that KBar makes it into the rotation.  I  really like the style on that blade


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