Hey who all on here hunts, and if so what do you hunt? What are some of your favorite game to hunt?

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This is that wild hog those guys killed and that's one of the catfish I caught. Johnny I took that picture of it with my Moose just for you.

Hunting season has finally ended here in south Louisiana, with the close of squirrel and rabbit season. Now, it's time to start fishing! `So look you hunters, lets go fishing and enter our Fishing contest. You will have all summer to enter. The best fishing photo wins....simple.

Great pics Robert, that Moose looks really happy to be helping you. Nice Cat too, it's hard to beat a nice Catfish fry. 

Those fellas got a nice pig, looks like there would be some good eating off of that one.

And my favorite, it's hard to beat a squirrel hunt. I bet you guys get a lot of squirrels a year. Did you get this one with a shotgun? 

Yep, we cooked some of that pig, it's great. That's a rabbit, that I'm about to cut up in that picture. I didn't kill as much this year because I have been suffering with my back and neck. I hope the operations help.

Yeah, I think if you were more comfortable you could be out a bit more.

Thats a good looking rabbit anyhow, I guess they look the same as a squirrel when they're naked and headless. : )

It looks like you and the Moose had a great time anyhow, I know there should be a lot of memories from a day a field like this one. 

What did they kill that pig with? 

They shot the pig with a 22 mag. pistol. You might beable to see it a little on the guy thats nealing down. That dog chased it down and bayed it, then they ran up and shot the pig in the head. They were excited. My buddy and I hunted rabbits and fished that day. We killed 4 rabbits and caught a few catfish that day. We ended up cooking 12 of the catfish we caught and some frog legs my buddy had, for a big fish fry for everyone. We had a great time.

Sounds like a great time. I would have been extremely excited about getting a pig like that. 

And it sounds like you guys all ate well too, I could go for some nice, fresh catfish. Sounds like you brought another bag of memories back home anyhow. Stay well my friend.

Does anyone have a hunting story from this past season or from the past. When I feel a little better I plan to put ya'll through another one of my stories..lol...

A season opening morning over and me now with blood stained hands, pants and knife, with a full tag, I knew the season wasn't over just yet. My uncle John had a tag left and I figured he may like some company in the stand for the evening hunt, I finished skinning and quartering my deer and I headed to the stand. The season had started off great for the family, four buck tags had been filled and there would be plenty of meat to go around. 

We sat there and talked of seasons passed and memories made each day afield. I have really gotten to know my uncle better by spending a few evenings each season in a hunter's cabin waiting for that Buck. I would take watch and let him get some sleep before the final hour when things would heat up. 

Doe made the evening interesting, but with such a long season we weren't worried about getting one on the ground just yet. With a half hour of daylight left, my uncle dosed off. I took my time and slowly scanned our view,back and fourth, looking for any movement. Down a valley and across a field, about a half mile away, the ivory tips of a good buck caught my eye. I woke my uncle and he caught a glimpse of the Buck running across the field.

I looked at my uncle and said, "if he keeps that up, he should be here before dark". It was a pipe dream that he would stay on the trail the whole way to our farm, but some dreams come true. With fifteen minutes of light left the tension started to build, we knew that the day was coming to an end the final visible deer movement would be upon us.

Now, my uncle likes to joke around and he always gets you looking around with an excited movement for his rifle and a whispered, "We Got A Wall Hanger". So when he excitedly whispered, "here he comes", I figured he was joking.

No Joke. The buck busted cover right in the middle of the field and he b lined right for us. The 243. spoke and the dust flew, a clean miss, another round loaded and out, again a miss. The Buck continued his route right for us, a third shot rang out and the buck stopped in the only clearing 60 yards from our stand. He stared, untouched and ready to bolt. 

Seeing a more majestic site is hard to do when a mature, Pennsylvanian whitetail Buck is standing down range of a good rifle. It was a face off that lasted but few seconds, the final round in my uncles rifle found it's home in the heart of the old boy. He dropped in his tracks.

The excitement exploded and congrats started right away. It was a perfect end to a great first day.

Stay well my friend, I hope you enjoy.


One of the parts of your stories that endure me...your ability to descibe the animal as more than just prey.  I think it is great that you enjoy the beauty as well as the game. 

Yes Johhny, tells such good stories, I wish he would tellus more.

Thanks guys, I will be writing more soon. 

Not sure what I will right about, but it will be a story.


White River Knives

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