I read something from Sue the other day and it hit home.  She was taking about the differences between how and what she collects and her husbands techniques.  Thought I would see if that rings true for any of you, it sort of does for us.  We actually have three collections in one.

For many years we collected Case and Donnie was typically a pattern collector.  In the Classics it was the 55's and then Barndoor Hinges.  Depending on the decade it may have been the Seahorse, the Russlock, the swing guards or the cheetahs.  During that time my focus was just the quirky items.  I have a Case peanut with Mr. Peanut on it, I have a case dealers pen that has a knife in the top, I liked the unusual items (and anything in old green bone). I have always been his internet partner in finding items and we enjoy knife shows togeather.  

A few years ago we not only changed over to Great Eastern and what we seemed to collect changed with it.  I got hooked on the wood handled Beavertail series and Donnie began collecting the Primitive bones.  So it is not so much patterns anymore for each of us but a handle material we each like.

For the part that is "our" collection, we look for short runs (less than 5) Protos, test runs and the like.  But I am the internet junkie and Donnie reads everything knife related in hard copy.  He is always right here beside me when I am online and he will bring me interesting articles to read.  We definatley have different techniques but mostly the same same goal in mind.

So tell me, how do you and your partner collect?  Goes for you guys also, tell me whats different or the same about your collections

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I'm not really sure about the differences between Bjorn and me since we just started collecting. Before we just bought knives we wanted to use. But I guess I'm more into classic Scandi knives. I like really old, handmade, one-of-the-kind knives so I spend a lot of time on ebay. Bjorn, on the other hand, like American tactical knives and things like that, so he spends more time browsing American web shops. We both use internet for getting information as well as buying. But while that is Bjorns only source, I sometimes read a book about knives and go to a fleamarket as well. I guess the difference is that he wants his knives to be new while I like antics. I like the idea of my knives having been owned and used by people long before me. It gives me a feeling of how we all have our place in history, somehow.


It is interesting that you are more traditional and he is more tactical.  Have the two of you ever seen a knife that both of you just "had to have?"

No, I don't think so. We really have different tastes in knives.

Jan Carter said:


It is interesting that you are more traditional and he is more tactical.  Have the two of you ever seen a knife that both of you just "had to have?"

I like the idea that our collections kinds carry over to each others.  But I have to admit there have been some I looked at and thought ...well ok, but why?

     I collect the small knives and pleasing to the eye , the mini coke bottle catch's mine very easily. I like colors and advertising but the pearls and imitation pearls are my favorite to find. I used to just buy old jewelry at knife shows till I finally got stuck on the mini coke. When you hold one and your thumb just fits it perfect in your grip , you know its the one for you.

     My hubby, his knives have to be of vintage age or in a pattern he likes, and handle materials he drifts to the stag and red bone  or he just has to have  the monsterous grouping sets under glass. You all know the ones I am talking about sets specifically made to entice collectors to "get them all in one whack".....lol

     At knife shows he goes one way, and I go another.....Then later in the day we stop for refreshment and share what we have obtained, those we have seen different, and what each other may like, and go together to find and seek them out again for a second look to purchase, or just drool over....

     The long drive home from the knife shows the topic is always, DID YOU SEE THAT ONE so and so had...and get the knife roll out and look at that one I got "tell me what you think". By the time we get home most of the knives we obtained have been scrutinized,priced,and categorized. Leaving only the cleaning and putting the babies to bed.

The Wonderful of World of Knife Collecting !

very well said and great reading thanks for that story;;;;


Sounds like fun to me. I love a good drive home from a show.  Reliving what you have seen and purchased.  The people you had a chance to talk to.  All the good after the show stuff


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