by Linda Ferguson

Being a knifemaker’s wife is what got me started making knives. I have always
been a craftsperson—needlework of all kinds, beadwork, woodwork, etc. When I
married Lee Ferguson in 1999, I wasn’t even interested in knives. As watched him
work and attended shows and shop tours with him, I found myself challenged by a
new craft. I saw him throwing away tiny bits and pieces of beautiful materials
left over from his work, and my imagination kicked in. I prefer to make
miniatures because that is what takes my eye and challenges me the most. It also
makes use of a lot of the scrap from my husband’s knives. I like wearable
knives. I want them to look like jewelry. As I learn the techniques, my knives
get better. Since 2004 I have been a member of The Knifemakers’ Guild. My
husband has been a voting member since 1983. All the knifemakers I have ever
met are all very willing to help anyone who wants to make knives. They all want
to share the craft in any way they can. Women especially are encouraged to
learn, and there are more and more doing so. Children are also learning at very
young ages. Having done a lot of woodworking, I was familiar with power
equipment. Most women haven’t had the opportunity to use power equipment and
are rightly afraid of it, which is probably why most are hesitant to try
knifemaking. Learning to handle the equipment safely is always the first step.
One of my biggest challenges in making miniatures has been finding the right
equipment. Everyone says miniatures are harder to make than the bigger knives. I
made some larger ones (5-6 inches) to have for my first Guild inspection, and I
have to agree that in a lot of ways they are easier to make—more room for
mistakes. However, I found that most of the problem is having appropriately
sized equipment. My husband built me a grinder that will take from an 8” to a ½”
diameter wheel and also gives room for my hands VERY near the wheels. I got a
combination micro-mini mill-drill-lathe for Christmas. Now, if I could just find
some very small, very strong clamps! Some women would definitely be more
comfortable with the smaller equipment. I have very small hands, and I can’t
even change some of the settings on some of my husband’s large machines. I know
how, I am just not strong enough. Most knifemaker’s wives find that they enjoy
the shows more if they can help at the knifemaker’s table. If they will learn
about the knives their husbands make—how they are made, what materials are used,
what is special about each knife—then they can answer questions about the
knives. This will not only increase sales, but will allow their husbands to
leave the table long enough to see what others are making and what supplies are
available. Sharing the craft with your husband also strengthens the bond of

Views: 8128

Replies to This Discussion

Nice read, thanks for sharing

I agree, Miss Sue, that is a great Biography by Miss Jan. Her work looks great, where is it advertised to beable to see more of this native Americans work. Thanks again for the post. I believe in the support of our native Americans and wish alot of others would follow me because there is need for our support. Bless Ya'll.


I am sorry I mean to post that link.  ALLTRIBES is actually where I found the info on both of them



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