Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

Views: 12328

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Tom, You can see the beauty. Be Glad. And, if your selling a Kidney, I could really use one (right side)

Those are very sweet, Tom! The moose jigged cherry is extra special.

Thanks Dana & Robert.  I love the color bone on the cherry moose too. I would like to see GEC come back out with a run of the older bigger mooses and whittlers on the #54 frame. These new ones are very nice but they seem just a bit small in my big fat hands. These are very pocketable though and the fit and finish is superb. I may need to just throw one in my pocket and take it for a test drive. I really like the jigging on the Cherry bone. I do wish that they could do the jigging/buffing/polishing just a tad more, so that it wouldn't grab a cloth when I am Ren waxing the handles and also wouldn't have rough spots when rubbing my fingers over the bone and pins. It's never bad by any means, but sometimes one rough spot can be a bit of a disappointment on an otherwise stellar knife that seems more like a work of art than a tool. I realize that these are hand made tools and are not meant to be perfect - but they are so close in so many ways! I guess that a little pocket wear might smooth out these rough spots too. Sorry for complaining - I'm getting off my soap box now!

Great pic ups Tom!! You've been busy :)

Dang, one kidney may bot be enough Tom, great knives!


I could use the left, think he would be willing to part with both? LOL

Tom, I know how you feel. I'm also searching for perfection in each new knife. Just a reminder that perfection can't exist in this world but some of these knives get pretty close.  I usually have to "touch up the jigging  with some fine emery paper when I get a new knife.

Jan, If Tom gives me his right one,  you can have my left one.

Tom, I to much rather a larger knife. I think if you have a problem with a knife GEC will fix it for you. Check with them.

Perry/Jan,  can I keep one kidney? Maybe I can spare something else...let me think awhile. Robert, I have sent a few knives back for fine tuning. I sent a handful of #72's back due to too much vertical blade walk and they fixed the blade walk but now it takes two hands to press down the lock lever to get it to release. I'm learning to be careful what I ask for! I have 4-6 knives that I want to send back for tweaking now but I'm trying to be selective and not be too picky. One is a Whaler that you can see the blade pivot pin on and I want to see if they can buff it a bit to hide the pin or make it less visible.


Now THAT is team work.  

Tom, Call Chris...I am sure she can work with you on it.

I recently splurged on a bit of ebony after some of the 2012 cleanup knives. I got one of the ivory #85s too but I shoulda went for the pair...

Yesterday I received this #53 from 2008 as well. Factory test run #23 of 24 made with smooth 2nd cut stag. I wish GEC offered their 2nd cut in this style a little more.


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