Hi everyone and welcome to our newest members,


Something we have not talked about lately is new aquisitions.  Tell us about your latest and greatest GEC.  Donnie bought me both the new 23's in the Beavertail (Worlds greatest husband by the way)  He got himself the newest 73 in Primitive bone.  THAT is a heck of a nice knife.


What have you gotten lately?

Tags: Cutlery, Eastern, Great

Views: 12409

Replies to This Discussion

Those folks have their own tang stamps, but yes Robert.  They have many of them made by GEC.  The ones I can think of off the top of my head are 

Tuna Valley

Plaza Cutlery/Dog Paws

Good old Days

Krack a Jack 

Bradford Cutlery

and of course...Scagel, Bulldog, Cripple Creek, Ulster, Waldon and many dealers have had their own SFO's done

Robert Burris said:

These people place an order with GEC just like we did on our club knives? Good old Days and Krack a Jack and others?

Wow, they do a great business and make great knives for alot of folks. Thanks for the info.


Great looking #72 sir! That is one of my favorite patterns by GEC. Beautiful stag on that one of yours too. I need to designate one of my stag ones as an EDC or pick up another when finances permit. My current EDC #72 is a Frontier Bone Tidioute which I love but not quite as much as I would a stag one. Enjoy!

Tom, I have a #72 in stag that I use as one of my EDC and it is really sweet. Life is too short to have an ugly EDC, who are you saving it for, I say, pick a nice one out and use it.


That is the quote of the week

Life is too short to have an ugly EDC

I am taking that thought to the blade show with me

 kinda like women, ya only want to be seen with the pretty ones.


Thanks, Miss Jan, I wish you were taking me instead.lol...It's true though, a person can save alot of nice knives in their collection and never use them but why use some less than good quality knife for EDC? Well, I'm not, I carry GEC folders as my EDC's and my fixed blades are great too.


I do agree with you on this but it's tough to carry them all!

You bet, that's why some gotta be collectors and some gotta be users.

Tom, if ever do decide to stop EDCing that frontier bone, let me know. I still need mine. : )

I love all the different scales GEC has to offer and carrying a knife is a great way to get to know the company and the material they use. 

So nothing new lately?  Thats enough to make a grown women cry!!!


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