I was thinking we could have a IKC fishing contest for this spring and summer for our members. I know, you are probably saying how can we weigh fish and with different types of fish north and south east and west, well how can it be done.  Easy, It would not be the biggest but the Best Fishing Picture of one of our members for this fishing season. Yea, who has a great picture with them or their childern and of course a Fish. We could have a judge pick the best picture of the contest. The winner would get a knife of course. Please let me know if ya'll would be interested in it. I think it would be alot of fun. Lets talk the idea up and see what comes of it.

First Prize

Second Prize

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For our military guys............Happy Fathers Day


A few years ago we had the greatest event here in Tampa.  It was rewarding and just a great time.  We made many friend we still see at the bait store, they bring thier own kids with them now.

Wow Miss Jan, that is a great idea. We had an avent around here called "Take a Kid Fishing" it went on for years but finally they quit putting it on. It was a great way to get the kids and parents together. Miss Sue, I love your post, I don't know if they'll count in the contest, because they are not photo's. You'll have to ask a judge. please keep posting everyone.


Thought i would share with you the pics of delivering the grand babies "fissing poles" (thats how they say it)

Yes Mam, that's what I'm talking about! Lets go fishing! We are going crabing and Red fishing tomorrow, wow weeeee....Bless their little hearts they are ready, to go fishing.

I just thought the clip art was fun , not for the contest....Sue

Robert Burris said:

Wow Miss Jan, that is a great idea. We had an avent around here called "Take a Kid Fishing" it went on for years but finally they quit putting it on. It was a great way to get the kids and parents together. Miss Sue, I love your post, I don't know if they'll count in the contest, because they are not photo's. You'll have to ask a judge. please keep posting everyone.

Oh Miss Sue, if it was up to me, we would count it. I tell you what to do, go to the fish market, take a picturre, then enter it. It's a fishing photo contest, anything, thats fishing. I hope everyone sees what its all about. You can drive down the road and take a picture of someone fishing, if its the best, most interesting picture, you'll win. Lets all have fun with this.

I like the ida of this Robert, let's just promote some fishing and have some fun

Yes Mam, the great world wide pass time of Fishing. I think it envolves the use of alot of different type of knives and the bonding of friends and relatives, like no other sport. I wish everyone could get out and enjoy this wonderfull outdoor pass time. I hope people will take time out their busy lives to enjoy a fishing trip. I think some people are afraid to go out fishing and fail and they may look bad in front of their childern. I have talked to the kids about this for a long time and they tell me they would rather go fishing with there parents and not catch nothing, than not go fishing with them at all.

Got pics and a story for you all.

I'll get it posted tomorrow. 

Sometimes the best fishing trips are spur of the moment, they just happen and things come together perfectly. Thats the way it seemed to go the other night when my buddy called and decided we'd go fishing. I was game, so we got everything loaded up and headed for his place. 

He told us we'd be fishing the Kiski river and that it was a place his Dad told him about. We followed his lead and met up again at a pull off along the road, from there an almost straight drop to the water. We unloaded and hauled everything down the steep ravine. As my brother was making his way down he took a tumble and the tackle box flew from his hand and right into the river. A great way to start off the trip right? Not exactly, but Ethan stripped down to his skivvies and took the plunge to get it back.

It was a good laugh and we were all just hopeful the fish weren't scarred off by the crazy naked guy swimming around. They weren't. Levi started us off by catching a nice sized sun fish.

Then I caught a decent Bass for the area.


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