The concept of 401-KIDS Child Abuse Foundation was born out of a need to continue the fight against child abuse. Four Oklahoma police officers had become very active in working with abused children. Through their Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge 157 they provided the funds to buy teddy bears that were given to suspected abused children that were brought to Oklahoma’s Children’s Hospital in Oklahoma City, OK.

At the beginning of the formation of 401Kids Inc., the four founding law enforcement officers envisioned a home where abused children could feel for the first time in their life, a place of love and safety.


For those of you that are unaware, our own Clint Thompson is the chairman for this wonderful project.  As the holidays approach, I would like to propose that we help this wonderful group of men and women bring a sense of joy to these children.  

I know that life gets in the way at times and we are unable to help those we want too, sometimes it is each of us or our families that struggle. iKC has over 3000 members, imagine how just a $1.00 donation from each of us would make a difference. 

The struggle for these children will continue past the holiday season and into the following years.  This group works hard to see that these children grow up to understand that abuse is not a way of life.They are given the opportunity to grow into adults that do not continue the legacy of abuse but one of tolerance, charity and love.

I am personally not in a position to donate a lot of money but am committing to making a 10.00 donation TODAY.  PLEASE, if you have the ability to help, even just one dollar, with our membership we CAN help.



 Thank you for the consideration  

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OK, my donation is done.  Just go to the link at the bottom of thier page.  It took me right to paypal, enter the amount and DONE!

It is so simple to help these kids

Yes Mam, this is a great way to help Kids. I have tried to get some donations going their way, but I've had a little bad luck come my way. We, may all have things that prevent us from a donation, that's understandable, but if we can find a little space in our busy lives, theses Kids need our help. Bless all of those, that can find a small donation to send to these, needy little children..

I am hoping Robert that every member that can will send 1.00.  We have 3000 members.  Now that would make Christmas nice for these kids

I sent them a donation this past summer and I'm glad I did. It was a bit larger than $1.00 but you are righrt, if everyone sends a little donation, with as many members as we have the total will really be great. These kids need a happy Chirstmas after all the bad things that have happened to them. I'll be sending another donation soon.

Miss Jan, I'm gonna add a little more information to your discussion. I hope it helps....401-Kids....Clint Thompson....520 S. Beagle Circle....Edmond, Oklahoma....73003.   Please, guys and gals, lets help these Kids!

That's a very worthy cause. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

My pleasure SK.  I wish I could do more for them

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