The online community of knife collectors, A Knife Family Forged in Steel
The blade is a Buck Smidgen. The bone is the smaller one not used for the hatchet.
An 0.125” slot was milled for the blank to nest in.
The bone was cut to length & Smidgen was blanked by drilling for a pin & grinding a tang.
The bone was drilled for pins.
One matching the blank .. support & fixing of position.
The other centered on the knuckle .. for decorative purposes.
Individual components were checked for fit.
Ease of assembly was verified.
A variety of tubing was collected.
Epoxy was added.
A simple mosaic pin resulted.
The blanked Smidgen was pinned & epoxied in place.
Edges were contoured.
Bone & pins sanded.
It’s intended to perform everyday tasks around the campsite.
I’m happy with the way it's turning out !!!
Good show, mate! I especially like the way that mosaic pin turned out. Great pictures, too! Thanks for taking the time to chronicle your knife's progress. It's looking really good!
Fantastic build. I think the mosaic sets it off well. I appreciate your showing us how you achieved that mosaic design.
Thanks Ron & Jan.
Sections of the tubing & brass rod were pre-cut to size .. oversize, but, more manageable. About 1.25" for the center pin .. closer to 2" for the knuckle. Burrs from cutting were removed .. until all the parts slid within one another easily.
The outer / largest brass tube was then filled with epoxy. The "base" of this tube was "sealed" by pressing against the surface of the paper plate used for mixing the epoxy. Successively smaller diameter sections were inserted .. excess epoxy was displaced & extruded out the top center of the newest section. Except for the last .. which was solid. It was the messiest & slowest during construction.
The tubes ends were "evened up" by squeezing between a thumb & forefinger. The outside was cleaned of any adhesive. Curing was allotted a night. Voila .. mozaic pin.
I've always admired mozaic pins ..but.. refused to pay the price. For the more intricate designs .. I'd now pay the price. For most needs .. I'll fabricate.
I'd encourage you to try a design, Jan. It is messy .. but, not that difficult. I was worried about bubbles in the adhesive & end result. The method I describe minimizes chances of that .. I found none in these pins anyway.
Nice work Dale!
You should be very pleased. That came out quite darn good!
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