Everyone has their favorite knives, but I've read about guys LOVING these things to death!

I've owned just about every type knife, but I've never had one of these. But, that will change!

They are sooo sleek, trim and graceful!

Do you have any? How do you like them? 

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I use  a Slimline brown delrin as an EDC and really like the pattern! The delrin has virtually no weight to it so it rides well in the pocket. Works well opening your mail or cuttin up your steak while out and nobody even notices that it isn't the house steak knife! Heres a couple of mine.


Nice collection Max!

Here;s a Queen in Winterbottom delrin...............

That's delrin! wow very nice lookin'!

Yeah, it was pretty neat Max. Back in the 80's when my brother-in-law and I used to be knife dealers we sold Queen, and at that time most people never heard of Queen! Queen was doing more contract work. We could hardly sell them!

That figures, people buy the name not so much the Quality! I think alot of people still don't know the name unles you know something about knives!

So true! I remember guys used to buy Old Timers, and when we'd say about Schrade making them, they'd say "Who's Schrade?" !! LOL!

I got my first Slimline!! Yeah, it's just a plain old everyday delrin handled one, but I like it! Now I need to get one (or two) in bone handles!

I have a couple but I want more for sure. They just feel good in the hand and look good to.

You know, I really like the "brown bone" look. I wish Case would do this in Chestnut Bone.

Case, if you're listening..........PLEEEASE!

Craig, that sure is a beauty!

Thanks max!  I always thought for a basic delrin handle Case's jigged brown delrin is nice.

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