Yesterday I got out and mowed my weeds for the first time this spring.  I realize that there are a few more days until it is officially spring, but the weeds in my yard don't know that.  Some of them were already six inches high.  I have a lot of work to do in my yard this year.  Weed and feed and even reseed some of it.  But now that I am retired, I will have the time to do it.

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Charles, mine could use it too!

Well Charles, I've been retired for a few years now and find more to do than, I've ever have before. I have a large place so I guess that helps, with all the things to take care of. Spring, thats the time of year to get things done. I hope, anyway.LOL

I retired this past November, just in time for deer season.  I kind of eased into retirement.  From August to November I only worked two days a week.  I had enough annual leave accumulated that I was still drawing full salary.  And they still had to pay me for over 60 hours of unused leave.  Between Social Security and my TVA pension, I actually bring home more than I did while working.


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