I would like to start a discussion of the story behind the knife.  What I envision is not so much what makes the knife itself special such as by a custom builder or very expensive or rare.  It might be a cheap, nothing special knife, but something makes the knife special to you or brings back memories to you.  Maybe how or why you got it or from a special person to you.

As an example of what I'm looking for I will start with this little knife.  It is worth little if anything but brings back good memories of a family vacation.  We had rented a cabin in the mountains of Colorado.  There was a lake near the cabin and we were going to go fishing.  We went to a little hole in the wall store in a nearby small town to buy temporary fishing licenses.  They had a box of knives on the counter.  They were all cheap knives mostly in the $2 to $8 range.  I rumaged through it to see if anything interested me.  Nothing caught my eye until I pulled this little knife out of the bottom of the box.  It didn't have a price marked like the others did.  I held it up and asked the clerk how much it was.  She said, "Free."  I said, "Sold" and stuck it in my pocket.



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The knives were certainly meant to stay with you both through life!

Yes and as Jan says sometimes a knife was meant to stay with you. Charles it sounds like you have one of those you can't lose either!  I kind of like the attachment!

Craig Henry said:

A knife with two stories. A childhood knife that, in later years, was attacked by a cow! LOL!

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