What do you have on you right now? Let me see your EDC blade.

Do you ever answer the question of "Do you have a knife on ya?" with "I got pants on don't I."  


I would love to see what everyone has in their pocket right now.  No cheating.  Post your every day carry knife and lets see what we all enjoy having on our person.

Tags: Carry, Day, Every

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I've often showed my EDC that doesn't change (Two Vic knives)

But I never got around to take a picture of my Brick.  The Brick contains things that I seem to always need now and then or I think will come in handy to get me through a day or two if I'm stranded. (not including the food and water. The brick rides in the bottom of my work bag and goes where I go. It never far from where I'm at.

The small screw driver set, flashlight, Wenger Esquire and nail clippers are located in pouches in the front of the work bag, a civilian copy of an M51 Engineer Bag.

The brick has a triangular sling wrapped tied around the outside.  Inside, the brick is a variety of odds and ends.  I re-evaluate the contents constantly.

Pass the pigs and water proof cards are among the items. a small multi-tool, a small manicure multi-tool, new toothbrush, ear plugs, full size bandage for large wound, gun shot. a bottel with aspirin, sudafed, tylenol and advil, a sewing kit,  anil file, compass, stainles steel mirror,  Gerber EZ out, Hibbard Hawkbill, Chapstick, band-aids, antiobiotic ointment, mathest, small fishing kit,  rubber bands, shoe laces, real tweezers,  real spoon,  small box cutter and a rosary.  

And then there is the whistle with a  magnifying glass, thermometer and compass on it. That's normally hooked on my coat zipper in the winter.

Today is all Schrades. 896K & 156OT.

Good idea for the chain. .223 just added the Basix trigger. from about 1000. penny dropped from sky diver. The hard part is shooting the dime while it is still in your pocket.
Bob Biggs said:

My #55, #33 and Micra..didnt even have to get out of my chair...

Time for another bump on this thread: In a belt sheath and a pocketclip sheath today:

Actually in my pocket today is the Benchmade Osborne 940 Goldclass.


I am loving that Wharnie folder, but the thumb stud is on the wrong side. ;-)

Brad, it wasn't when I got it ;-) But it's a screw on  thumbstud. So it's easily moved. In fact it actually sits better on the other side from what it is now since then the screw sits recessed in the blade. It doesn't when it's mounted lefthanded.

It's fix and clean day....

This one on the belt in a sheath:

And this one (as large as the other one IN the sheath) in my pocket:

Today is an unusual carry for me. My newly acquire MPR in the pocket and  U. Takahashi's "Tennessee Bird & Trout" design from the G.Sakai Co. in Seki, in a Nylon Belt sheath.

I like the looks of lil red. Looks like a good fit in the hand.

For me today sitting in a sheath right next to each other:

(Although this one DOES have a LOT more patina going on by now)

And in my lefthand pocket.....

These are the two that I carry all the time now and also I switch off between a PW Red Bone Peanut and a Slimline Trapper but I always have these two!

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