Lots of things to do in the spring, one is knowing when to plant and when to wait.

May 10th is my last frost date, passed down from my grandmother. She said you plant something 

that comes up before then, you will be covering it up!  Pop he said oh just use the almanac to plant and

weed and you will be okay.

This year I started the lettuce early. We had a spell of hot weather and that is all 

I needed for good germination.

Such fun it is to grow your own veggies and so Healthy for you too.

Hope everyone joins me in Gardening this year and post their pictures of veggies and flowers and such.

Lettuce is 4  days old, the cages is to keep my dog from digging...lol

Lettuce is up , black seeded simpson, salad mix and crunch

Violets blooming, going to try them in salad tomorrow.

Replenished and cleaned up MY BEACH.......

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My grandmother planted garden by the "signs".  When the signs said it was time to plant something, we planted it.  I remember one time she had me planting beans when the garden was inches deep mud.  But the signs said it was the time to plant beans so she had me wading mud planting beans.  I don't know if the signs had any thing to do with it but she always had a bumper crop in her garden.  BTW, she was able to get out and work in the garden herself until she was 90.

Here's some shots from around our yard.........


I know you have been a lot in the yard the last few weeks.  It show!  Great work


The signs seemed to work for many years for farmers, glad she was able to enjoy it for so long


Great lookin' yard!



She did enjoy it.  She was quite a little lady. She never weighed more than 100 pounds.  I could never watch The Beverly Hillbillies without thinking of her.  They had Granny made up to look a lot like her and until near the end of her life she was spry like Granny.  She was generally acknowledged as one of if not the best cook in the area.  She never measured anything or looked at a receipe.  And even after we got an electric range in the late 50's, she still preferred her wood burning cook stove.

nice looking garden craig....your spring is way ahead of ours

keep the pic's coming!

Wow, some great gardens going on, here. My Dad, told me that when a wild Pecan tree budded, there would be no more frost. I have found him correct, every year. Different parts of our country , have different planting dates. We live in south Louisiana, so I know our planting is alot earlier than, our friends to the north. I plant a big garden, to help feed those guzzule guts, I have to feed.LOL Gardening, is a large part of being an Outdoorsman or a Survialist, I hope that some of our members realize this.

My house is on a city lot but if I used my whole yard I suppose I could grow a decent garden.  However I do my gardening in tin cans.  I just replenished my stock today at Aldi's.  I do hunt and right now I have nearly 100 pounds of deer meat in my freezer.  And come mid October I will be back out to kill at least a couple more for next season.  And we have beef and pork too.  And chicken.  Most of the time our freezer in the garage and the freezer compartment in our refrigerator in the kitchen are so full that we have to use some of it before we can put more in.

I do own 28 acres of land in Missouri but 350 miles is a bit far to go to plant and take care of a garden!

Yea Charles, thats a long drive. I wanted to tell you about planting in contaianers. I plant a bunch of stuff in plastic containers, I guess, 2 and 3 gallon planters. The sales departments that sell trees and other large plants have them. You would not believe how much extra stuff, that I raise in these planters. I have them everywhere.

Thanks everyone, Still a lot to do. We've been working every evening a little bit here and there. Doing some changes too. The three Savannah Hollies in the back have gotten HUGE.  We want to cut one down. Putting a lot more Azaleas in. I used to do all this stuff so easy when I was younger! I get tired just talking about it.

Robert, This year my garden will all be in pots


ROFL....You have been doing a great job, just take it slow and easy.  It should be enjoyed

Pot plants huh?

Sunday I dug holes. If it stops raining the Azaleas will go in them. Cass keeps coming up with ideas. How do I stop her?


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