I am beginning to focus a lot of my attention on Case knives.  However in the past my collecting has been haphazard and unfocused.  I went through my knives to see just how many different brands I have.  I have at least 30 different brands.  How many do you have?  Here are mine.

  • American Mint
  • Barlow
  • Bassett
  • Boker
  • Browning
  • Buck
  • Case
  • Colonial
  • Dakota
  • Frost
  • Fury
  • Gerber
  • Germania Cutlery Works
  • Imperial
  • Kentucky Kutlery Company
  • Kershaw
  • King Stone Collections
  • Kutmaster
  • Marbles
  • Rigid
  • Schrade
  • Smith & Wesson
  • Spyderco
  • Stone River
  • Super Knife
  • United Cutlery
  • Utica
  • Wenger
  • Winchester
  • Zeng Yao


And a couple that I don't know if it is the brand or model

  • Fighter
  • Woodsman


And of course several that have no brand marking at all.


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How many knife brands? Right now, let's see..........






Rough Rider






Martin Bros.

Hackman Finland



I think that's it........

Blackjack (original)

Gil Hibben (United)

Ka Bar






Zero Tolerance


San Remu


Cold Steel


Leatherman (knife, not Multitool)

...naturally...to be continued. :)

I forgot Leatherman on my own list!

LOL...so did I, but I managed to edit it in! :D

In case anyone is wondering, the Barlow in my list is not a barlow style knife.  The brand is Barlow.

I do not even know LOL

I do have several Leathermans.....but I don't really consider them "knives". To me. they're more like tools with a blade. Yeah I know, knives are "tools", cutting tools. Leathermans are, to me, more tool-tools......with a blade........IF you know what I mean. 

Leatherman c301

Nope. Knife...not multitool. :D I agree, multitools are a different beast.

I keep forgetting they brought out a line of knives! LOL! When I hear Leatherman I still think multitool.

I'm old, I forget stuff. Now, where am I?

And you DID say "Leatherman (knife, not Multitool)" didn't you......I can't read anymore either.


Joe Vadala said:

They should Take the " Schrade Since 1904 " on the crappy china made knives boxes, its not made by "SCHRADE" !!

My top 4 are:

Camillus (USA), Case (USA), Rough Rider (PRC), Victorinox (Switzerland)

Not including unknown and unbranded knives from Germany, Bulgaria, India, and few other countries, the list looks like this:

  1. 5.11 Gear
  2. Andujar
  3. British MOD (UK British Army Issue, no company name given)
  4. Arnex
  5. Artilleria Fa. Nacional de Toledo (Spain)
  6. Bear MGC
  7. Becker (Bulgaria, not that Becker)
  8. Beltrame
  9. Blackhills
  10. Blackjack (China)
  11. BOC
  12. Bone Edge
  13. BSA (Taylor  Brands)
  14. BSJ of Alaska
  15. Buck (USA)
  16. Buck (China)
  17. Burgon & Ball
  18. BW Custom
  19. Cabela's
  20. Camco (USA)
  21. Camco (China)
  22. Camillus (USA)
  23. Camillus (China)
  24. Cannon
  25. Cat Eye
  26. Cattleman's Cutlery
  27. CCM (Germany)
  28. Chicago Cutlery
  29. Coleman (China)
  30. Colonial (USA)
  31. Colonial  (China)
  32. Colt (China, Pakistan)
  33. Davis
  34. Elk Ridge
  35. ESEE
  36. Fox-N-Hound
  37. Frost
  38. Fury
  39. Gerber (USA)
  40. Gerber (China)
  41. Gordon
  42. Hen & Rooster
  43. Hibbard
  44. Imperial (USA)
  45. Imperial (Ireland)
  46. Joseph Rodgers
  47. Joseph Westby
  48. Kingston
  49. Klein Tools
  50. Magnum, Boker (China)
  51. Marbles (China)
  52. Master Cutlery
  53. Maxam
  54. Mikoiv ( Czechoslovakia )
  55. MS LTD
  56. Myerchin
  57. Novelty
  58. Old Hickory
  59. Ontario
  60. Ozark Trails (Walmart)
  61. Pride USA
  62. Prime Knives
  63. Queen
  64. Raging Bull
  65. Rapala
  66. Red Ryder (Colonial, USA)
  67. Red Ryder (China)
  68. Remington (USA)
  69. Rite Edge
  70. Rough Rider
  71. Sabre (Ireland)
  72. Sabre (Japan)
  73. Sarge
  74. Schrade (USA)
  75. Schrade (China)
  76. Sheffield Knives (UK)
  77. Sheffield Knives (China)
  78. Steel Warrior
  79. Superknife
  80. Tates Creek
  81. Taylor Brands (China)
  82. Telo
  83. TOPS
  84. U. S. Classic
  85. Ulster
  86. United (USA)
  87. Utica
  88. Victorinox
  89. W.R. Case & Sons
  90. Wenger
  91. Winchester
  92. Windlass Steelcrafts
  93. Woodman's Pal
  94. WS & B

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