If you could only pick one knife to carry tomorrow, is it- going in your pocket [a pocket knife :)] or you gonna clip it on?

Clip or pocket?

Tags: clip, knife, pocket

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CLIP! I made this Carbon Fiber brass liner Buck 110. It's up on ebay right now!
It will be in my pocket. Clipping damages my trouser and bothers me when I need to get something out of my pocket.

It can go either direction for me.


When I first joined this website, I carried only Tactical-Style knives with pocket clips. I even thought of it as a necessity at one time.. 


My tastes have grown since then to more traditional-style things. My grandfather always carried a Stockman knife, and he didn't clip it to his pocket. He just threw it in his pants pocket every morning. He got by just fine his whole life without a clip. So why should I change something that's been working for decades before I came about?


Edit: having both options never hurt either. If one knife is clipped to your pocket, then there seems to be some extra room in the bottom of your pocket now-hint, hint...

clip on

The good thing about being a woman is that you carry a handbag. With plenty of space for as many knives as you like. And really big knives! So that is where I carry mine.

get out the sami knife for the swedish woman's handbag!

Pocket for me. Always the pocket.

Only one??

My Fallkniven S1 in a loose leather pouch sheath, in right front pocket.

Only ONE knife?? Not likely.

In the pocket......where a "pocket" knife belongs! LOL!

Lemmee see... pocket, yep clip, yep, neck, yep.... My EDC... with my Glock 26


In the pocket - I am always afraid the clip on will clip off.


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