What do you have on you right now? Let me see your EDC blade.

Do you ever answer the question of "Do you have a knife on ya?" with "I got pants on don't I."  


I would love to see what everyone has in their pocket right now.  No cheating.  Post your every day carry knife and lets see what we all enjoy having on our person.

Tags: Carry, Day, Every

Views: 5292

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OK I finally got a pic of it, By the way this was the knife given to me by my son, who recently got married this past weekend and I brought this knife with me when he was married.

Nice knife and handsome groom and beautiful bride.  Congratulations to all!

Steve Hanner said:

OK I finally got a pic of it, By the way this was the knife given to me by my son, who recently got married this past weekend and I brought this knife with me when he was married.

Thanks Tobias, the knife is well used and one of my favorites. The Bride and Groom I am most proud of and love dearly.

Tobias Gibson said:

Nice knife and handsome groom and beautiful bride.  Congratulations to all!

Steve Hanner said:

OK I finally got a pic of it, By the way this was the knife given to me by my son, who recently got married this past weekend and I brought this knife with me when he was married.

Congratulations! Good looking couple! And can't beat an old yeller Case!

Congrats Steve!

For me today is an A.G. Russell day:

Tobias the steel in that knife is good,but not the same as your heart. Good job on restoration.

Knives with a personality and history are the best.

Same goes for you Steve,you've gained a daughter,congratulations.

Here's mine for about the last 10-12 years.A stockman suits my pocket and purposes. 1 bld to open cans(never sharpened,actually dulled on purpose,1 bld kept extra sharp,1 big blade for cutting limbs,peel fruit,etc. A very pocket worn Wards.Steel liners,perhaps WWII Winchester.It looks like their pattern.Correct me if I'm wrong.


And Proud you should be!!  A lovely couple and a great memory in the pocket.  Life doesn't really get any better does it?


I agree that pattern does look like Winchesters 

Nice old Stockman Lyle!

Stockmans rule! LOL!

Schrade 896K Medium Stockman, Butter & Molasses, in the Schrade Horizontal belt sheath of course. I've a hankerin' for pancakes now....

The dark one.

Ok well with all the talk about "linerlocks" I decided to change it up today and carry this:

The venerable Uncle Henry Schrade bone handled LB7! Somehow it just fit!

Tomorrows EDC will include thiis!  

Got some yard work to do!

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