This is a discussion to talk about and show pictures of fish knives.  I will start it off with one of mine.

I will start off with the least first since it was my first one.  I bought it three or four years ago at SMKW simply because it caught my eye and was cheap.  I do not know who made it, the only markings on it is Pakistan.  But it seems to be a pretty decent knife considering the very low price I paid for it.  The liners are brass and the handles are pinned on.  The blades have very good snap and a half open stop.

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My Fish Knife, Coincidentally, my very first knife, My Imperial Fish Knife:

My First Imperial(back)

Here are my Imerials.

I finally got one, I've never own one before. The one I have is a Sheffield in a Daddy Barlow pattern. I bought it as a user but it's so nice, oh well. It's a pre 1970 also. I'll try get a picture up latter. I really like the ones ya'll have posted, even the one Ken, brought back to life.

This was my second fish knife.  I got it on an eBay bid of $4.95 plus $3 shipping.  It was very rough but I bought it to see what I could do with it.  All I have done so far is use Goo Gone on the blades and Coon P oil on the hinge.  It cleaned the blades up quite a bit and returned snap to the blades.

BTW, that Imperial tang stamp was used from 1956 to 1988.

hey looks like a great deal and nice Imperial. the cleaning has it looking good a few strokes on the sharpener  and I bet you have a good fish knife!

This was my next fish knife.  It is a Frost Ocoee River.  It has red jigged bone handles, brass pins and liners, and stainless steel blades.  I got it when I visited SMKW this past July.

Wow, is that Brass bolsters? Nice find.

This was my 4th fish knife.  I got it off eBay.  I would rate its condition from very good to near mint.  That tang stamp was used from 1946 to 1956.

Robert, the bolsters on the Ocoee River are nickel silver.  They appear to be brass because of the light reflecting off of them and because of my reflection.  The pins and liners are brass.  The blades are stainless steel and have good snap.  It seems to be a pretty nice knife for the $10 it cost at SMKW.

Robert Burris said:

Wow, is that Brass bolsters? Nice find.

Yea, that's a good deal. I've never held one before, but I have heard they are well built.


White River Knives

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