And so another great TV show passes into history. Educational, entertaining, and FAMILY ORIENTED.  I haven't been watching as long as a lot of you but I have enjoyed it just as much. I have learned a great deal about knives and collecting. The hosts were all wonderful people. Josh, Jay, Tony and Steve all made my Tuesday and Friday nights complete.

Case, Boker, Queen, Tuna Valley, Rough Rider, SOG, Randal, and so many other brands were a foreign language to me prior to July 2011. That was when I first visited the "Big Blue Roof" and felt a wonder like I hadn't felt since I saw a new bicyle beside the Christmas tree that Santa left when I was 8. I discovered liner locks, frame locks, knife books and magazines, and Coon "P". I started receiving my highly covetted monthly SMKW catalog of which I still have every issue. I started haunting garage sales and yard sales, and estate sales searching for knives. Anything that tickled my fancy I bought. I was now a knife collector. No. I was a "KNIFEAHOLIC" with no hope or need of a cure.

I found Sharp Fans. An interesting forum but kind of sedate. The I stumbled upon iKnife Collector and my world of knives and quest for knife knowledge rocketed beyond all reason. I've made some good friends. Jan, Steve, Tobias, Sue, Indian, Alexander, Fingers, Data, and so many, many more to mention.

As I watched last evening's final show a flood of memories was swirling around in my head. It's only a couple of years worth but precious nonetheless. I can only imgagine how others felt who watched this show from its inception. It was bittersweet to see Kevin Pipes who is at the helm of this institution saying farewell. It's not fair to "blame" him for the show leaving the air but I feel he's the one in charge so he gets saddled with my feelings of sadness and regret. That's my personal feelings but I honestly know it is purely a business move.

I have saved a few episodes including the last one for looking back when the only game in town is Cutlery Corner. I have also included a pic from the last show for everyone to se the gang for a last time. Oh yeah, by the way,Kevin's wife made a cameo appearance as well.

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Thank you, what a wonderful way to say, we will always remember the show and the guys.  Thank you to everyone that spent time with us last night during the show and after.  It meant a lot to me to be here with you all.  We will continue to support SMKW in many ways.  Watch for Jays Corner to become a reality, as he starts mailing the vault certified list we will get a copy of it to list here every month.  Next month we will have a contest revolving around SMKW also.

Thanks so much Chuck indeed we have many friends all connected by our love for knives.  It's a great hobby, for some a profession. Part of the reason the show was so appealing was we liked knives, we liked looking at them, talking about them, learning the history of them. Although the show ended we remain dedicated to the same thing, the same principles and having some fun along the way.

I sincerely thank every person for being here and contributing to our site. It is for you that we continue iKC.

Good write up Chuck, many of us feel the same way - you said it for us all.

Glad to be able to see something from last nights show.  I couldn't get it on the web feed at all.  Guess too many were trying.   Hate to see it gone as well.

We're all still here for you and anyone else who has a desire for knives and cutlery knowledge. Just as a song I can't remember the name of said "Every new beginning is another beginnings end". Something will fill the void you feel now eventually.

Definitely going to miss the show and the guys! Wish I had known about this treasure trove of a show years ago! Even still, the fun I've had watching this great show with a bunch of great people will be fondly remembered for a long time. Here's hoping they find some way to keep up some webcasts...it would be a shame just to cut the show off at the knees.

Here's to the fine folks that gave us this show, the wonderful people that watched and shared it with us, and for Jan for supplying us with a cozy, friendly and safe place to sit back and enjoy it! To KnivesLive for all it was and what it may be in the future!

AMEN Steve.  Jan, thanks for all of your efforts to keep things going and to grow this fantastic community if people.

Thanks Chuck.  Great write up.  I haven't been here for as long as many of you great people but I will sorely miss the show as well.  And thank you Jan for this great site and keeping it going.  I don't know what I would do if it went away.

And Jan, is there any way to get one of those iKC pins?  I would love to have one or more of them!

Yeah...I'd love a pin!! *grin*

The hat pins will be up and available this coming week I promise

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