41st Annual Knifemakers’ Guild Show

Event Details

41st Annual Knifemakers’ Guild Show

Time: September 17, 2010 to September 19, 2010
Location: Seelbach Hilton Hotel
City/Town: Louisville, KY
Phone: (502) 222-1397
Event Type: knife show
Organized By: Gil Hibben
Latest Activity: Aug 27, 2010

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Event Description

Gil Hibben, President of the Knifemakers’ Guild and Jay Hendrickson, President of the William F. Moran, Jr. Museum & Foundation, Inc. are pleased to announce the joining of these two organizations for the 41st Annual Knifemakers’ Guild Show

The members of the Knifemakers’ Guild will be displaying and selling their handmade art and working knives in the Medallion Ballroom of the Seelbach Hilton Hotel, while the William F. Moran Foundation members, as guests of the Knifemakers’ Guild, will be displaying and selling their hand forged knife creations in the Mezzanine Ballroom. Additionally, there will be a display of knives made by William F. “Bill” Moran, a pioneer of modern, hand forged, damascus knives.

Since Bill Moran was a Past President of the Knifemakers’ Guild, it is only fitting that the Guild and the organization named in Bill’s honor are coming together to produce a show that will grow to be the largest “custom only” knife show in the United States of America.

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In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on August 27, 2010 at 17:37
Hey Mike. Wow, excellent info on the show. Thank you!
Comment by Mike Carter on August 26, 2010 at 13:52
The Knifemakers Guild Show is coming soon to the Seelbach Hilton hotel in downtown Louisville, KY September 17-19, 2010.

If you have never attended, the Guild Show is one of the premier all-custom knife shows in the world. It is a rare opportunity meet and see the work of some master makers who seldom show in the U.S. This year we have makers from across the U.S., Canada, Italy, Japan and South Africa.

Print your FREE show pass at http://www.knifemakersguild.com

Anyone into knives will recognize a lot of big names in knifemaking and several suppliers among the exhibitors.

Partial list of exhibitors:

Les Adams - Florida
Admiral Steel - Illinois
Douglas Alcorn - Michigan
Mike “Whiskers” Allen - Texas
Stephen Bader & Co. - New York
Robert “Keith” Bagley - Maryland
Tony Baker -
Mike Balaskovitz - Wood Lab - Michigan
Robert H. Ball -
A. T. Barr - Kentucky
John Bartlow - Wyoming
Gene Baskett - Kentucky
Ronald E. Best, Jr. - North Carolina
Gary Blanchard - Tennessee
Rob Blanton - Kentucky
Dennis Bradley - Georgia
Gayle Bradley - Texas
Lowell Bray - Florida
Jimmie H. Buckner -
Mike Carter - Kentucky
Kevin Casey - Michigan
Dianna &@Doug Casteel - Tennessee
Daniel Chinnock - Misouri
Ken Coats - Wisconsin
Jerry Corbit - Kentucky
George Cousino - Michigan
Zoe Crist -
Kevin D. Cross -
Culpepper & Co. (3 tables) - North Carolina
Alex Daniels - Alabama
Edmund Davidson - Virginia
Scott Davidson -
John Davis - Florida
Steve Davis -
Herbert K. Derr - West Virginia
Mike Dilluvio - Michigan
T. M. Dowell - Oregon
Larry Downing - Kentucky
Will Dutton - Georgia
Steve Fecas - South Carolina
Cliff Fendley - Kentucky
Lee & Linda Ferguson - Arkansas
Robert Flynt - Mississippi
John Fraps - Indiana
Steve Gatlin - Georgia
Glendo Corporation -
Warren D. Glover - Georgia
Richard R. Golden - Alabama
Gerald Halfrich - Texas
Koji Hara - Japan
Fred Harrington - Michigan
Rade Hawkins - Georgia
Hawkins Knife Making Supplies (4 tables) - Georgia
E. Jay Hendrickson - Maryland
Wayne Hensley - Georgia
Gil Hibben - Kentucky
Wesley Hibben - Alaska
Steve Hoel - Arizona
Kevin Hoffman - Georgia
Larry Hostetler - Florida
Rob Hudson - Pennsylvania
Billy Mace Imel - Indiana
Jerry L. Johnson - Minnesota
Wm. C. "Bill" Johnson - Ohio
Jack Jones - Mississippi
Lonnie L. Jones, III - South Carolina
Kenneth King - Georgia
Michael O. Kinker -
Jerry Kochheiser - Ohio
Paul Langsingh (2 tables, incl. President's collection) - Michigan
Paul LeBatard - Mississippi
Gary E. LeBlanc - Minnesota
Bob Levine - Tennessee
Bill Luckett - Texas
Gail & Larry Lunn - Arkansas
Stephen Mackrill - South Africa
Riccardo Mainolfi - Italy
Charlie B. Mathews/ Harry S. Mathews - Georgia
Jerry McClure - Oklahoma
Sandy McClure (Giraffe Bone) - Oklahoma
Eric Morris -
Steve Myers -
James P. Miller - Iowa
Stephen C. Miller - Florida
Jerry Moen - Texas
Rick Nowland - Illinois
Sean O'Hare - Canada
Warren Osborne - Texas
T. R. Overeynder - Texas
Cliff Parker - Florida
W. D. Pease - Kentucky
Michael W. Pellegrin -
Johnny Perry -
Peters Heat Treating - Pennsylvania
Dwight Phillips -
Dan Piergallini - Florida
Sandra Piergallini - Florida
Larry Pridgen, Jr. - Georgia
Morris C. Pulliam - Kentucky
Jason Rabuck - Wisconsin
James D. Ragsdale - Georgia
Vernie Reed - Kentucky
Joseph Calvin Robinson - Florida
Gordon Romeis - Florida
Thomas Rucker -
Hank Rummell - New York
Joe Sangster -
Kenneth Savage -
Gene Shadley - Minnesota
Sheffield Knifemaking Supplies (4 tables) - Florida
Robert J. Sims - Texas
David Steier - Kentucky
Murray Sterling - North Carolina
Rhett & Janie Stidham - Virginia
Douglas Stice -
Tomway Box Company -
Ralph A. Turnbull - Florida
Charles Vestal -
Brad Vice (Alabama Damascus) - Alabama
Wayne Whittaker - Michigan
R.W. Wilson - West Virginia
Stan Wilson - Florida
Marvin D. Winn -
George L. Young - Indiana
Mickey Yurco - Ohio
Brad Zinker - Florida
Comment by Mike Carter on February 16, 2010 at 4:24
Last years show was great. you see pictures on my website at http://www.cartertown.com/Guild2009.htm

Attending (2)

White River Knives

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