Hey everyone thanks for all the information on the swiss army I however have another one that this time has absolutely no name no number no nothing but its beautiful design and I hope someone can give me some information on it and I took your all's advice and took pictures its the front and back and the small knife that unscrews from the handle and the design on the blade itself. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Just click below and you will see them

dagger image album

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What is that etched on the blade? I can't quite tell. A peacock maybe?

to me it looks like two dragons and a rose I'll try to enlarge it and send another copy

Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said:

What is that etched on the blade? I can't quite tell. A peacock maybe?

I think it looks very Chinese with a dragon and phoenix ,

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenghuang .

Tommy, also please try another angle so the far side of the design is more clear?

Tommy Marcum said:

to me it looks like two dragons and a rose I'll try to enlarge it and send another copy

Steve Scheuerman (Manx) said:

What is that etched on the blade? I can't quite tell. A peacock maybe?

A few hours on image search has brought up nothing yet...

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