This morning was beautiful here in the mountains and a 2 hour drive was just the thing! Dalton is not a big city but it is a rather large town and I love coming here for one reason, Bruce Voyles knife show.  Saw some friends that I had missed very much. I also saw some great knives.

I was wondering how shows would do, this first season back. I was a bit afraid that so many of us had gotten used to just buying online but I was pleasantly surprised  by attendance on  Friday the 13th.

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I need at least 3 of these!!!!!!!!!

As most of you know, I started going to shows because I just love to hold a knife pattern before I start purchasing it. At this show this knife won the I WILL BE PURCHASING MULTIPLES prize.  Looking at it did not even come close to the feel of it in my hand. The three blades are opened here and I believe there will be more combinations coming. I know there will be additional handle materials

This show has typically been a 2 day show for us and this year we decided to make it home in the same day. As we left and then again on Saturday morning I sure wished I was still there.

Thank you to Bruce Voyles for putting the show together and  Thank you to all the dealers for your warm welcomes, the sharing of friendship and knowledge

My undying thanks to each of you for being a part of iKnifeCollector.com

Cal Knife Expo 2021 was this weekend also. Gus had a table there and he sold a few knives but I have yet to ask him how attendance was

At one time I bought from them quite often.  I never received a knife from them that didn't meet my expectations and I always felt they graded their products honestly. I really enjoyed their Premium Guide to knives and Razors and used then  to bid on knives from ebay. 

Jan Carter said:

Sargent Cutlery, a staple and an icon for knife collectors, with Gina at the helm!

Thanks for sharing the pictures. Glad people turned out to the show.  I am sure the Dealers were glad people came out to look and purchase . Have the prices really gone up from Dealers as Ebay sellers are advertising theirs for?

Thanks for sharing the pictures Jan.  Looks like a good time was had.

It really pained me to have to miss the Dalton show, but the Boss Lady and I already had our vacation set when the show was announced.  Hopefully, next year's show will be around the usual time.

I am glad that you were finally able to get out and go to show again. Now I need to check out pics of what you found there.

Great looking knives. I really like that little saw blade. Thank you for sharing, Jan!

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