I have been asked how to use Google image search by some of you- It's actually pretty easy.

1-Move your mouse cursor onto the photo you want to search for

2-Right click with your mouse and select " save photo as"

3-Save it to a file on your computer where you can find it again-(you can rename the file if you want-this is optional

4-select Google then select the search tab-You should see a tab that says images-click on that

5-click on the camera icon

6-Click on the tab that says "upload an image"" then hit browse

7-locate the file picture you had previously saved on your computer and hit open

8-Google will then pull up any visually similar images

9-Usually it will find the exact photo you were searching for in a split second-Sometimes the image search can produce some funny results

Hope this helps


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Thanks, John.  I had no idea Google would do that!

You are welcome, Rusty !! I t can be a valuable tool, although sometimes the results can be a bit bizarre  ! LOL I have searched for knife images( or other images} to identify a photo for another member and found it in seconds -Other times you will get "visually similar" images which means they are the same basic geometric pattern - The images don't discern that is a knife, just that it is similar shape wise.-Compaible images could be anything from a landscape to a baby's butt if the shape is similar !!

Just for an example I searched for this image  of my uncle's homemade "broom corn knife" which is a one of a kind photo-

Google immediately found it, and refered back to the original post where I showed it here on IKC.

Thank's John I new this could be done, but not how .

If a person is using google chrome you can right click on the image then press "search google for this image"

Thanks, for the update, Adam !!- When I originally posted this discussion, I wasn't using google chrome as my browser that much- Then IE started getting more and more glitchy with each new update-- Your method with google chrome could not get much simpler !! Thanks again---

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