Just getting started on this whole knife collecting malarkey...where would you seasoned collectors recommend buying knives from online? Don't really know where to look! Thanks, Matt.

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That can be a tough call, Matt. Being a beginner collector, I would suggest you stick with reputable dealers until you get the hang of things and familiarize yourself with how unscrupulous sellers can rip you off. Even experienced collectors can get taken, and until you start getting to really know your stuff, I'd stick to dealers you can trust. EBay and other forums can be a great place to find knives, but they can also hold that handful of crooks that will just be there to part you with your money. Without some knowledge or a friend (or friends) to give you some good advice, it can be really easy to get had. 

Also Matt getting dealers that ship to the UK without killing you on shipping is another story.  What type of knives are you interested in?  We have a few UK collectors here that may be able to help with that end of it.

So Welcome to knife collecting!  Welcome to iKC and ask any questions you want.  We were all newbies once and trust me...someone helped us all out at  at one time or another

Hi Matt,  I may be able to help you with any queries you may have regarding shipping to the UK.

As Manx said it is a matter of what sort of knives float your boat. I buy new knives from dealers in the States mainly GEC and Queen.  I started off with the one GEC last October but alas this knife thing can get addictive , I have a few now !    I am old though and so I tend to like traditional patterns . There is an awful lot of knowledge on here I am sure that once you know what area of knife collecting is of interest to you there will be people who can give advice.

I'm starting off by looking at lock knives...does anyone know where I can get any from the UK at a reasonable price?

Hi Matt. Welcome. You made your first choice in knife collecting a good choice by joining iKnife. It's a great forum; ask anything and someone will try to help.

If you wish to look for knives in the UK I guess your first stop should be Heinnie Haynes, don't know that their prices are 

cheap but they have a good reputation , I have bought from them with no trouble.

Matt Critcher said:

I'm starting off by looking at lock knives...does anyone know where I can get any from the UK at a reasonable price?

Was recommended a website called Hunters Knives by somebody on another forum and have bought a couple off there, good value and a good start to my collection.

Thanks for your help guys!

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