We have done the pumpkin carving contest for a few years and it is ALWAYS fun to see, I thought we would do something different this year.  But hold that thought...

Keeping with the Halloween theme we are going to give away this Black Widow !  So show me a knife and fall in your area.  That pic gets a ticket in the drawing.  Show me a knife and a carved pumpkin, get 2 tickets!  Show me both and you have earned three tickets in the drawing.  Contest ends November 1, 2017 at midnight Eastern.

Come on folks lets have some fun and someone wins a new knife


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Benchmade Ritter in M390 (a knife & fall in my area)

Kershaw Knockout (a knife & a carved pumpkin)

Fiskar's Hookaroon (& a carved pumpkin)

Heres my photo !!!!


Heres my photo !!! Its a Darrel Ralph Gunhammer in a pumpkin my daughter picked.

Okay...the tickets have been counted, randomness occurred, and the tea leaves spelled out Dead_Left_Knife_Guy as the winner of the October 2017 IKC contest! Congrats DLKG! Please send your shipping info to Jan if she doesn't already have it.

Thanks all for participating! Stay tuned for the next big thing!

Congrats, DLKG.
Congrats DLKG.

Congrats DLKG!!

Congrats DLKG!

Aw, you guys!  This is really cool, it's been a long time since I've won anything!  Thank you, everyone, for the congrat's -- it means a lot to me.  And the knife looks like one that might find its way into my younger son's hands, when he gets a little older (he's going through some health stuff right now, & the knife actually looks like it will be his style, at least in a few years).

Thanks again, and thank you, Jan, for the motivation to get out & dome a little more knife photography.  And thank you, Manx, for executing the drawing!

I hope everyone had a great Halloween!  (And Syd, I really hop you get well soon!)

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