
The word "GUNS" is so distressing now here that it has to be wiped off the map . The old name of BSA will be next I guess .

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.. WOW ..


Reallocate the resources being expended on the "change the name" efforts & increase the teachers pay ..or.. buy some more computers for the students ..or.. purchase some of those inexpensive USB computers (< $12 ea) like I found from China for the science labs ..or.. do some something beneficial for the student's curriculum ..or.. ...........

.. I mean ..

How is changing the name going to benefit the students or teachers .. really !!!




I sooooo agree with Dale and the sentiments of the people in the article.  This is bonkers and disregards history in a terrible terrible way.  With everything happening in the world, a group of people that have nothing to do with the area making this decision is wrong!  Taking down statues, banning flags and changing the name of a local school will do nothing to change the current attitudes of bad people...ok rant over

such a shame! 

I often feel like I live in a bonkers country Jan and this is just typical of the madness we have here .


Don't feel alone my friend, we also are living in such a strange time I don't recognize the country I grew up in

I so agree with you Jan.  I fear America is on its death bed and we are past the point of being able to revive it.  America was more than a piece of land with a government ruling over it.  It was based on beliefs, ideals, and principles that have mostly been thrown on the trash heap of history.  We are very rapidly becoming the new USSR, the United States Socialist Republic.  And I don't like it!

Jan Carter said:


Don't feel alone my friend, we also are living in such a strange time I don't recognize the country I grew up in

You know with Brexit in the UK and the political goings on it makes for really entertaining television. The Whitehall/Westminster cabal that thinks it owns Britain are engaged in such verbal gyrations over their referendum vote that they are reducing the political process and democracy to the level of a cheap TV soap.

There is a disconnect between real ordinary people an the political establishment in the UK and over the coming weeks we will have more fun on the television as they resort to ever more desperate measures to try to return reality to their version of democracy.

It's true this whole Brexit business is entertaining to watch on the TV , I have spent more time on the parliament channel than I ever expected to do .


We are seeing the very same disconnect here.  Seems the ladies and gentlemen we sent to enforce the results of our last revolution forgot to read the rules LOL!!  I propose we take all the politicians from both countries and find a good size island for them.  Now I dont want to abandon them, they should have a TV that gets only the parliament channel and CNN reruns.  No fair giving them sat phones!  Since they all seem to be of the same mind on weapons we can leave those off the list as well.  Build them one house and lets see how long it takes them to divide it !!
M. Carpenter said:

You know with Brexit in the UK and the political goings on it makes for really entertaining television. The Whitehall/Westminster cabal that thinks it owns Britain are engaged in such verbal gyrations over their referendum vote that they are reducing the political process and democracy to the level of a cheap TV soap.

There is a disconnect between real ordinary people an the political establishment in the UK and over the coming weeks we will have more fun on the television as they resort to ever more desperate measures to try to return reality to their version of democracy.

I think they would be quite happy with somewhere to talk a lot Jan , they sure can do that and the truth is a stranger to the most of them .

I think that by and large more and more people are just ignoring them. Our elected leaders who are currently stabbing each other in the back were elected with only 26 percent of the votes. The person who looks likely to be the next PM is espousing views which are the direct opposite of her position last week. regards Malcolm

Jan Carter said:


We are seeing the very same disconnect here.  Seems the ladies and gentlemen we sent to enforce the results of our last revolution forgot to read the rules LOL!!  I propose we take all the politicians from both countries and find a good size island for them.  Now I dont want to abandon them, they should have a TV that gets only the parliament channel and CNN reruns.  No fair giving them sat phones!  Since they all seem to be of the same mind on weapons we can leave those off the list as well.  Build them one house and lets see how long it takes them to divide it !!
M. Carpenter said:

You know with Brexit in the UK and the political goings on it makes for really entertaining television. The Whitehall/Westminster cabal that thinks it owns Britain are engaged in such verbal gyrations over their referendum vote that they are reducing the political process and democracy to the level of a cheap TV soap.

There is a disconnect between real ordinary people an the political establishment in the UK and over the coming weeks we will have more fun on the television as they resort to ever more desperate measures to try to return reality to their version of democracy.

My first impulse was that that would hardly do any good at all, especially given that everyone in the first world has access to the internet these days.  With more thought, I can see there being at least some good in changing names, if for no other reason than to remove community approval.

In the case of guns & schools, I imagine the same would happen here, quite frankly, had any such names been around -- especially in the wake of Sandy Hook.  Ah, but never fear -- had it been named "Remington School" or "Colt School" here in the U.S., I highly doubt it would have changed the name, simply because our corporate "citizens" are so revered over here.  

As to Sandy Hook, well, I would hope no schools would have ever been named "Bushmaster" in the first place. Like, ever.

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