We need to get this guy to join iKC.  Does anyone on iKC have this many knives?


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There's a few of us who could offer realistic rival

Check my posting of this on iKC's fb pg


Note the remarks below that.


If any one wants that level of attention

I'd suggest letting this gentleman set the bar


Go break it !!!

I might have about 1100-1200, but not even close to his amounts, but then again, I sometimes think I need to thin the herd a little.

I only have between 200 and 300.

I had 1132 .. counted for the divorce .. 17 yrs ago.

Have gifted more than a few.

Never stopped buying.


It's not the quantity .. it's the genuine interest that matters.


Charles .. I'm sure you're as rightfully proud of the 2~300 you have in your collection as the collector with only 30 .. or .. the collector with literally thousands. It's the interest we share that forms our common bond ..not.. the quantity amassed.


Personally .. I wouldn't want the attention attracted by the knowledge that goes with having the "Guinness World Record" publicized.



D ale

Quantity certainly doesn't make a collection.

Like Dale says, whether you have only a few, that you're proud of, or hundreds, makes no difference.

Over the years I've gone from an accumulation to a collection. There's a big difference. Still have most of my old accumulation but they aren't included in what I would call my collection.

well said JJ, if you have 2 or more it could be a collection, but a mixed bunch of unorganized and un related items no matter how many isnt nessasarily a collection, could just be a shop a holic. Im getting better. 
J.J. Smith III said:

Quantity certainly doesn't make a collection.

Like Dale says, whether you have only a few, that you're proud of, or hundreds, makes no difference.

Over the years I've gone from an accumulation to a collection. There's a big difference. Still have most of my old accumulation but they aren't included in what I would call my collection.

Michael Squier said:

I agree with you guys.  I accumulate some patterns that I just think are neat looking, but I have 2 patterns that I collect.  No where near the quantities you folks have, but a collection to me none the less.

well said JJ, if you have 2 or more it could be a collection, but a mixed bunch of unorganized and un related items no matter how many isnt nessasarily a collection, could just be a shop a holic. Im getting better. 
J.J. Smith III said:

Quantity certainly doesn't make a collection.

Like Dale says, whether you have only a few, that you're proud of, or hundreds, makes no difference.

Over the years I've gone from an accumulation to a collection. There's a big difference. Still have most of my old accumulation but they aren't included in what I would call my collection.
I agree with the above statements. Out of mine, probably half is just really junk, but I liked them when I bought them. I say buy what you like and enjoy them.

I too was just an accumulator until I joined iKC. Now I consider myself a collector although still pretty much a rookie. Now I focus on three brands, Case,Colonial, and Rough Rider. I also collect two patterns, fish knives and Case Mini Blackhorns. I also collect knives with a Christian theme.

I like our motto here, Collect what you like and like what you collect!

Alas...the knives that usually appeal to me come with price tags that totally leave me out of the 1000+ knives club. Lol. I am at about 100+ and the only way I am gonna bust 1000 is if I win a very serious lottery! A guy can dream though!.

I am very happy with how my collection is coming along though...however slowly. And I still seem to get a perverse enjoyment out of watching people's eyes bug out when they see our living room. ;-)

I do not think there is anything I like better than knowing iKC folks collect what you like and like what you collect!  That truly is the point, not amassing volume.  I have good volume as well as a collection but as I say often, it is 40 years worth and I have been thinning the herd in the last year.

Dale has a good point in that drawing attention to your collection in the world record book may not exactly be a great idea

Yeah, I heard about this guy -- Daniel Koster posted the story on his Facebook feed a couple days back. So, the story, & the guy, have caught the attention of at least one serious maker.

I haven't seen any photos of the guy's collection, except the colorful blurs behind the dojo-owner/knife collector.

2 things though: First, 2,200 hardly seems record-breaking. Second, I bet we COULD get close top that with a couple hundred dollars & a few Frost Cutlery sets from Cutlery Corner -- but that doesn't mean we SHOULD.

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