I'm going to chalk this one up to knives I came across while looking for another knife.  I was basically browsing the evil eBay looking for a Sunfish Whittler when I came across a Sunfish Pattern knife that was out of the ordinary on so many levels.  What caught my eye first was the secondary blade.  It wasn't a smaller pen blade.  Instead, it featured a caplifter/flathead screwdriver. Next up: it isn't made by a knife maker but is being marketed by a company by a company that markets vintage inspired novelties.  That company is Trixie & Milo.  The knives are smartly marketed as Mack the Knife packaging. As you can see from the packaging, the knife features 7Cr17Mov Stainless steel and brass bolsters.  For those unfamiliar, 7Cr17Mov is a Chinese steel considered equivalent to 440a or slightly better.   I think we all know what brass is.  The knife also has brass liners and a stainless steel back spring.  The handles are a modern celluloid or acrylic.  They are glued on but as you will soon see, there is probably a reason for that. 

The story on the back of the magnetic closing box is something that should speak to most knife collectors.

So I bought one and then I had to buy another.  The first one was "Hold Fast"

The Second was the Cat with a clock in it

As I mentioned the knives are Sunfish patterns and they feature a cap lifter / screw driver.  That was the hook for me.

And of course they have that big fat spear point so common on the Sunfish

As you can see the reverse sides are color coordinated and feature the Stay Sharp quote!  Also note the tang and the swell on those sunfish main blades.  They are different than the ones I've seen on any of my other Sunfishes or Elephant Toenails.

the overall build, fit, finish, blade play etc. os on par with my Rough Rider and Marbles Knives.  The packaging is also downright awesome.  If nothing else, they would make a great  gift.

I'm very happy with them in spite of paying $30 each for them.  Still they are unlike any other Sunfish I've ever seen.  Other handle patterns are black with a skull and bones, an aniquie white with the Spade from and Ace of spades playing card, and Green handle with a Bear.  (the green with a bear is how I stumbled upon these as I was looking to see if Bear and son ever made a sunfish!)

Do i recommend them?  Let me put it this way.  I'm happy with them and I've given you an idea of their price and their quality.  I'll leave the rest up to you.  Just remember.  YOU'RE ONLY AS SHARP AS YOUR KNIFE"  and a  "A KNIFE IS NOT A TOY!"

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I love the marketing and the nostalgia on these!  Just a pair of fun knives

Very interesting. I especially like the brass bolsters. Somehow they just seem more fitting than the more common nickle silver.
Looks like I need to start saving up for one of these.

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