
A. G. Russell Knives. Inc

A.G. Russell Knives is the oldest mail order knife company in the world. We sell only the finest cutlery from William Henry, Randall, Böker, Columbia River Knife & Tool, Kershaw, SOG, Benchmade, Spyerdco, Canal Street Cutlery, and more.

Website: http://agrussell.com
Location: Rogers, Arkansas
Members: 98
Latest Activity: May 19

Only couple in the Cutlery Hall of Fame. A.G. and Goldie Russell.

A couple that has shared passion and ethics with knife collectors around the world

Only couple in the Cutlery Hall of Fame. A.G. and Goldie Russell.

Goldie Russell is the FIRST woman in the Cutlery Hall of Fame!  Congratulations and well deserved

Discussion Forum

The Russell Era Hen&Rooster picture thread!

Started by Alexander Noot. Last reply by Alexander Noot Jan 29, 2015. 9 Replies

Something you don't find every day.

Started by Alexander Noot. Last reply by Les Swalm Jul 21, 2014. 15 Replies

Question on a Bruckmann knife

Started by Dave Taylor. Last reply by Robert Burris Dec 19, 2013. 5 Replies

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Comment by Michelle "Fingers" DellaPelle on September 30, 2014 at 22:03

I can see nice website of cuttingedge.com. Look great! But one thing...... I read it say "Only one of each knife is available and orders must be place by phone." Problem is  that i cannot hear on the phone because i am deaf since birth. If i want order it but how? better email? or what?

Comment by Jan Carter on September 30, 2014 at 20:31

The brand we have chosen is reflective of the 1970s when I was selling War Eagle Whetstones from my farm on War Eagle Creek, here in Northwest Arkansas. Knives with the W.E.B.™ mark will be made to meet our standards of quality and value. The prices will vary widely and production will be from around the world, wherever we find knives that meet our quality and design standards, and will include both folders and fixed blades. We will not mark any handmade knife with the W.E.B.™ mark.

War Eagle Blades™

Comment by Alexander Noot on September 11, 2014 at 6:33

I got my 2014 Texas Ranger.....and MAN what a beast it is. I'll see if I can take pictures later. It looks a lot like a cross between the 2010 Large Hunter and the 2012 Texas Hunter.

Comment by Alexander Noot on August 8, 2014 at 1:24

I've met people from his company at knifeshows. Bought some knifemaking supplies from them too. They're very nice people. Hope they get through this tough time ok.

He wasn't old as far as I understand it was an illness that took his life.

Comment by Jan Carter on July 30, 2014 at 16:10

That was from an email I received

Comment by Jan Carter on July 30, 2014 at 16:09

I also want give you an update on the launching of our re-built cuttingedge.com® website. It has been online for a week now and we have gotten good reviews. A few people had some issues in the first few days, but I believe all those have been addressed and everything corrected that needed to be corrected. We had a request from a customer to remove all the sold and unavailable knives from Currently Available Knives. We will be moving all sold knives to the Previously Sold Knives category as soon as the order for that knife is completely processed. If you see Unavailable, that means an order has been entered in our data base, but the order has not been completely processed. The Unavailable status should exist for only a short time.

Please take a look at cuttingedge.com and let us know about any problems you might encounter. There is a Contact Us link where you can send an e-mail that will get to the correct person.

The cutting edge

Comment by Alexander Noot on July 28, 2014 at 0:48

I see them come by on e-bay every now and then. Not very often though. I was lucky enough to get one through e-bay a couple of years back. Amazing knives. The Largre Folding Hunter (the civilian version) is amazing too. But I just have a love for the Texas Ranger versions of these knives.

Comment by Greg Gillespie on July 27, 2014 at 22:13
Does anyone have a 2009 Texas Ranger knife for sale?
Comment by Alexander Noot on July 26, 2014 at 14:03

Well! I put in my order for this beast!

And I'm VERY excited!

Comment by Alexander Noot on July 24, 2014 at 1:41

Just noticed that the 2014 Texas Ranger is now available for order!

Also...if anyone happends to have a 2003 Texas Ranger lying around I'll be happy to take it off your hands :-) It's the only one in the series that I don't have yet. (Apart from the 2014 obviously)


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