Hey Gang,

I am truly exicted about going to the "Spirit of Steel" show in Knoxville, TN on Nov. 5, 6, 7,

I will only be there on Friday as I will be at the Great Eastern Cutlery set up and will be autographing my latest book "Great Eastern Cutlery: The History of the Northfield & Tidioute Brands" 

I would really like to be able to put faces and names together from this wonderful knife site.



Come by and at least say HI!



See ya'll there

David L. Anthony

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Sure wish we were joining you for that show. Anyone that has not read Davids newest book, beg borrow or steal one (just joking about the stealing). This is the most interesting knife book out there since his last book. If you are going to be up that way make sure you stop and see him, its always fun.
David, I just got back into knife collecting after 25 plus years out of it. I certainly need some reference books, I will stop by and say hello Friday night. I collect mostly Ka-Bars but have a few others, only started back collecting this summer. Take a look at my photos on my page and let me know what you think. If you have any recomendations for Books on Ka-Bars, I'd be glad for the help or if you have any bring them to the show! I am flying by the seat of my pants here. By the way, I grew up in Eastern PA and my dad has a very nice collection of Pa knives. Looking forward to meeting you.
sounds like we need to talk John. I would love to hear more about your Dad's collection as well. I have a few holes in mine that I would love to fill someday. My first book really lays the groundwork for the early KaBar companies and is a good read if you like knife history. Example, the KaBar/Union Cutlery hobo knife was actually invented by Wallace Brown, "grandson of Job Case" while he lived in Tidioute and owned Union Razor which later became Union Cutlery, which later became KaBar. Just a teaser.


John Hall said:
David, I just got back into knife collecting after 25 plus years out of it. I certainly need some reference books, I will stop by and say hello Friday night. I collect mostly Ka-Bars but have a few others, only started back collecting this summer. Take a look at my photos on my page and let me know what you think. If you have any recomendations for Books on Ka-Bars, I'd be glad for the help or if you have any bring them to the show! I am flying by the seat of my pants here. By the way, I grew up in Eastern PA and my dad has a very nice collection of Pa knives. Looking forward to meeting you.
David, Will you be there on Saturday? your first post indicated that you would be at the show only on Friday. I may not be able to make it Friday night, I am driving down from Cincy after work on Friday.


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