How about some thoughts, feelings, and pictures of the #33 Conductor?

I'm getting an itching feeling for one.

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Craig, another beaut! Looks like the shield is more flush on this one. Is it? That kind of bugs me too sometimes. Are you using one of these? I know, it's hard to bring yourself to do it sometimes. So what is next on the wish list? I found one of my old GEC wish lists the other day - it was pretty funny. My tastes change pretty fast sometimes. Now I just keep them in my head instead of writing down, easier to make changes that way - if I remember. Have fun with the new additions.

Actually the shield wasn't all that uneven on the other. I was being WAAAY to fussy, as my wife always says. It comes from being a technician and a perfectionist. 

Oh brother, what have I gotten myself into?? I really like that sleeveboard, BUT, I keep walking to the other end of the house just to look at the two #33s! I think I'm going to have to switch and carry the burnt sienna 33.  Whether I get another (if they're still around next month) just for the collection is another matter.

Regardless of what I'm buying, I NEVER write down what I'm thinking about buying! Never....ever. I'd be wasting paper. I usually have an idea in my head (there's lots of spare room there) of what I generally want to get each month. It will change here and there as the month goes by. Then when I sit and make out my orders online I  agonize over each one.  

As my wife says; "At least you're not out drinking and betting on the horses!" LOL!


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