
Knife Sharpeners

Who does not want a sharp knife? If it does not come from the factory that way, or if your knifemaker only put a "safety" edge on it...you want it sharp...right? Join us as we explore ways to do just that!

Members: 176
Latest Activity: Mar 24, 2021

Discussion Forum

pull through sharpening aids//Fast New Bevel

Started by richard m bissell III Nov 4, 2020. 0 Replies

Grindstone city, history of a unique grrindstone

Started by Jan Carter. Last reply by allanm Jul 25, 2017. 2 Replies

Knife Robot: World's First Auto Knife Sharpener

Started by Steve Scheuerman (Manx). Last reply by D ale Mar 18, 2017. 17 Replies

WIcked Edge owner experiences....

Started by AlecsKnives. Last reply by John Bamford Jul 14, 2016. 4 Replies

USB microscopes ?

Started by John Bamford. Last reply by Jan Carter Jan 31, 2016. 34 Replies

I'll sharpen your knife for free (except return shipping)

Started by Jack Haskins, Jr.. Last reply by Kees ( KC ) Mension Dec 7, 2015. 11 Replies

3 dimensional pivot point on sharpening tool.

Started by Thomas Lofvenmark. Last reply by Thomas Lofvenmark Nov 29, 2015. 4 Replies

Smith's 2-Step Knife Sharpener

Started by Charles Sample. Last reply by J.J. Smith III Nov 28, 2015. 9 Replies

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In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on January 13, 2012 at 9:43

That's Hal, I'm sure people will get help from you as time passes.

Comment by Halicon on January 8, 2012 at 12:23

Just want to let everyone know that I monitor this group daily, so if you need help or have any questions about any form of sharpening feel free to type it out in full and if it's something within my realm I'd love to help anyone out.

Comment by Terry Waldele on November 21, 2011 at 4:45

Halicon, nice to hear from you!  You're absolutely spot on about practicing.  I really haven't taken the time that I should to become proficient with the stones I bought with your advice.  Thanks for all your help, and I promise to spend more time practicing.  I really don't want to give up and buy the Apex.  Now that I have the stones, I want to make good use of them.  Thanks again.

Comment by Halicon on November 19, 2011 at 10:23

Terry, sharpening still isn't working for you? It's a subject that takes practice, if you say your hand-to-eye coordination is off then you have your solution right there or get something like the Apex (which I believe I mentioned to you some one year ago).


I'm closing in on 15 years in the hand-sharpening business and it took me almost a decade of daily practice to learn how to sharpen with "automatic" action as in that I don't have to check where the steel is touching the stone. Don't rush the process, stay off the powertools and get proper stones, not the tiny touch-up kit of a lansky but a proper bench stone the kind that I recommended to you before, the rest is simply practice until your hands do what you want them to do and you can pick up on the subtle feeling of when you have reached the proper angle, the feeling of where the steel touches the stone and how the feedback changes slightly when you have reached a flat.


'nuf said from me, I've given you more advice than I can remember doing for anyone else over the net, if you can't reach your goal with this I'd say you should just get the Apex so your problem of sharpening can be over finally.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on November 8, 2011 at 8:50
The members that want help on sharpening a knife can go to the web site chefknivestogo.com and study their instuctions.
Comment by Jan Carter on November 7, 2011 at 12:31

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on September 9, 2011 at 13:55

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on September 9, 2011 at 13:55
A good way to learn is get an old practice knife so you won't be affraid of messing it up. Practice and more practice.
Comment by Terry Waldele on September 8, 2011 at 15:49

Don and Robert,

Thanks so much for your very helpful responses to my question.  I think one of my problems is that I have incorrectly sharpened some of my knives and have "rounded" their edges so the edge angle on them is not sharp enough anymore.   Unless I'm wrong, before I can sharpen them really well, the blades have to be "re-profiled" so the edge has a flat-ground bevel of 17 to 20 degrees before it can be sharpened with a stone to a fine edge.  Can this be my problem and the correct solution?  If it is, what is the  best way for me (with my limited skills) to re-profile these blades?   Otherwise, what should I do in these cases?  Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can give me.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on September 8, 2011 at 9:56
Terry, its hard for me to explain but I'll try. I think its a feel that you get as if you were trying to slice a thin peice of the stone away. We have a member that has written a book on edge care that I highly recomend. Its by Matt at M.L. knives called Edge Care. In it he goes over the correct way to sharpen a blade free hand. Don also is an expert on sharpening. I sharpen knives for alot of people and I think that alot of the new steels have made people loose their confidence in sharpening.

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