Hi Everybody,

I feel a little bit over my head here, as I have very little experience with the knife collector community. I hope my posting here is not out of line.

I'm a long-time scrimshander, having started with the Alaska Silver and Ivory Company in Bellingham Washington back in 1974. I've been freelance since '76, mostly doing work for retailers in Hawaii, Alaska, California, and New England. I've always been curious about the field of engraved knife handles, but I've had no contact with anyone involved in the trade. I'd love to start doing commissioned work on knives, and I was wondering if someone might give me some advice on a good way to start.

You can see samples of my work at: http://lizsumner.com/mcscrimshaw/


Michael Cohen

Tags: scrimshaw

Views: 420

Replies to This Discussion

I love your work. A lot of people do knives and make money. Help will be coming your way, just wait a little bit.

Great work Mike!! I've been into Scrim' for a little over a year now. Still experimenting, my work is basic, but I love it! I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your work. I've also recently returned to work after a long layoff so I may get info from you on acquiring some of it. Keep sending those pics!!

What tools do you need to get started? My grand daughter is a good artist, on paper.

Love your work Michael!  Let us know when you've scrimshawed some knife scales, we'd love to see them!

Andrew Perkins,


Thanks to everyone who wrote back to me, you're a very supportive group.

As far as scrimshaw tools go, here's what I recommend:

X-Acto Blades

  #11 for most line work

  #16 for heavier lines or for very hard ivory

A sharp engraver's stylus for doings dots or some curved lines

A pencil made for drawing on glass or ceramic

A #7 Opti-visor for good magnification

Some nice thick black oil paint

Some thin brushes for applying paint

That's it.



First of all Michael, welcome to iKC.  You will find many friends here.

Your work is beautiful and obviously advanced.  It is apparent you have been adding to your expertise for a long time.  I believe you will have a good experience here as a member of the iKC "Family".  As you know, commissions can come from many directions and I expect you will find a few as you join us and share with us pictures of your work.  As everyone here will tell you, "We love pictures!"

Again, Welcome.

Michael Cohen said:

Thanks to everyone who wrote back to me, you're a very supportive group.

As far as scrimshaw tools go, here's what I recommend:

X-Acto Blades

  #11 for most line work

  #16 for heavier lines or for very hard ivory

A sharp engraver's stylus for doings dots or some curved lines

A pencil made for drawing on glass or ceramic

A #7 Opti-visor for good magnification

Some nice thick black oil paint

Some thin brushes for applying paint

That's it.



I have a knife or two that I would be willing to send your way...if you can do work on natural bone. You can contact me at nocj8169@yahoo.com  Maybe we can work something out.


White River Knives

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