Tools for knife enthusiasts


Tools for knife enthusiasts

A place to discuss tools specifically relevant to knife making and restoration. But since Boys (and girls) like toys, we'll likely end up talking about tools in general anyway!

Members: 21
Latest Activity: Jan 6, 2023

Discussion Forum

SMALL Benchtop Anvil

Started by D ale. Last reply by Carl Rechsteiner Jul 22, 2017. 6 Replies

I'd REALLY like a "stiddy" ..but.. 'taint happenin'. Yet .. I've a definite need for a small anvil.SO0oI picked up the smallest anvil Harbor Freight offers.…Continue

Lapping Plate

Started by D ale. Last reply by John Bamford Apr 12, 2017. 10 Replies

Lapping platesBeing we’re all into sharp & often pointy tools ..aka.. knives … there exists a good chance we own some natural sharpening stones. With use .. these natural sharpening stones loose…Continue

Bandsaws, tips, upgrades and advice.

Started by Michael Squier. Last reply by Carl Rechsteiner Jan 9, 2017. 18 Replies

Ok, ive got an old sears craftsman 12" bandsaw on a floor stand. It gets used the most of my power tools. My upgrades are added wheels so I can roll it out of my harage to use. Now lets here your…Continue

Most useful tool in the shop

Started by D ale. Last reply by allanm Dec 24, 2016. 22 Replies

Which tool in your shop do you find the most useful ??Which one do you simply use the most ??Are they one in the same ??.Where did you source it ??Have you modified it ??Be specific.Add ons .. again…Continue

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Comment by Jan Carter on March 14, 2017 at 11:58

Congrats Michael!  When we bought the newest Drill Press we gave the older one to a young man that did not have one.  Passing on the tools is great whether you are the giver or the recipient!

Tom, while your researching look at Pheers, it was the only 2X72 I could afford that was well built and meant to least and Donnie LOVES it.

Guys please keep your eyes open for a good sale on the portaband tables?  Thanks

Comment by Tom Peterson on March 14, 2017 at 11:26


Let us know if you find a good spindle sander. I have a Harbor Freight one that is a few years old & I think that HF downsized their motors or changed the amperage or something after that. Anyway mine is ok for handle material shaping (and maybe softer metals if you're patient) but my Dremel will take off more metal and faster. I'm still looking for something that does a better job - maybe a Foredom.

I've got a Kalamazoo grinder 2"x48" after my first two HF 1"x30" belt/disk grinders which I still use on handles but the ergonomics on my 3-5 yr. old model aren't as good as the new models they have out now.  It has an upgraded 1 hp motor and is plenty powerful enough for most of my metal grinding needs but does leave a few things to be desired. I would like to get one of the smaller 1"x42" Kalamazoo belt grinders so I could potentially phase out the HF 1"x30"'s. I hate to have too many sizes of belts to deal with though....  If you can afford to get a 2"x72" grinder I personally would. I've been wanting a Beaumont model myself but I'm still researching other options should I win the lottery and can get one!

I do have a 3/4 hp Baldor buffer (1800 rpm) that I got a couple of years ago and it's amazing the difference between trying to buff a handle with a Dremel (which I've done) and the Baldor's 8" buffs. While being very admirable pieces of equipment these buffers are quite dangerous! They will snatch a finished knife right out of your hands and hurl it at the walls, floor or you if you're not focused. Not trying to be preachy, just wanted to pass on some of my own personal experience.

Comment by allanm on March 14, 2017 at 10:32

Nice acquisition Michael. When I put my Jantz kit together recently, I used my Dremel with "Dremel WorkStation" mini drill press to get a good vertical 1/4" pilot hole. Because I don't have a real drill press, I then used a hand held drill as vertical as possible with that pilot hole to get the 5/16" hole I needed.

I've never heard of Wilton brand tools, I only know the Wilton name from cake decorating and cake making goodies that my wife buys. I wonder if it's the same, or different Wilton.

I'm thinking to add a spindle sander and bench grinder / buffer to my collection. I managed to do all my sanding with my Harbor Freight Central Machinery 1x30 belt sander and the tighter and inner curves with my Dremel but a spindle which can handle the full thickness would give a better result than moving the 1/2" Dremel sanding drum up and down.

Comment by Michael Squier on March 14, 2017 at 10:24

I just got a free drill press, its an old Wilton branded made in taiwan but very heavy castinhs and seems well made. Full size but its a bench height post. Yay for me, now where to pu it. 

Comment by Jan Carter on January 29, 2017 at 12:08

Michael is correct!  This group goes hand in hand with that group, some come on back as you get to the tool parts

Comment by Michael Squier on January 29, 2017 at 9:00

Welcome to the group Stephen, and come back when you need some tool advice, got some very knowledgeable tool users in here.

Comment by Stephen Curry on January 28, 2017 at 19:15
Thanks Jan!
Comment by Jan Carter on January 28, 2017 at 18:52

Stephen, start by looking in the knife repair and modification group http://iknifecollector.com/group/kniferepairrestorationupgradegroup

Comment by Stephen Curry on January 28, 2017 at 18:39
Hi group. This is my first post. I would like to thank everyone for welcoming me.
Now to my point, I have two knives that would be highly collectible if they weren't so badly damaged. I am considering restoring them on my own. I have 1925-32 Queen City swell-center opposite-end jack knife model number 0038; and a Bulldog stag handle, baby sunfish. I'd like share pictures with you and get your input. Can someone direct me to a tutorial, or directions for uploading images.
Comment by allanm on January 9, 2017 at 9:38

Thanks for the info Tom, that's a good find, interesting.

Good we had the suggestion to split the tools discussion so we can come back for reference in the future when others of us consider portabands like that in the future


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