Now that is way too controversial to talk about here!

You know we all are passionate about topics we feel strong about- for some folks it's football (War Eagle!), for others it's religion (..let's not go there), for others it is politics (...don't go there either), but there are many others.

Really though there are hot topics with just about every subject matter and when you mix a room full of individuals together (virtually or real world) there is always the potential for heated discussions... cause we just see things differently.

We have been very fortunate here at iKnifeCollector. I have watched, for going on two years now, our members abide by our community "understandings." We all get along very well considering all the different opinions and preferences represented. And do you know what? These differences make our community unique...and interesting. 

Like you, I enjoy meeting knife folks from all over the world- folks who like different type knives- some production and others handmade, some brand new and others covered with patina, some great big Rambo type knives, while other knives are those little pearl Sunday knives.

One thing I've witnessed about our community too is our respect for each other and how well we allow our fellow members to have, and share their opinions. Do we always agree with each other? No we don't, but we handle it like good neighbors- not feuding kinfolks.

With all this said, I do have a question though. And while I don't want to discuss all the particulars here (not right now anyway), I do want to get your opinion on this question-


What do you think is THE most controversial topic you've seen talked about when it comes to knives?


 It goes without saying- I don't want any people's names here or any of the actual details of the argument, only high-level topics and/or identifying the subject matter.


...I'm just curious :)



Views: 342

Tags: controversial, debate, discuss, educate, subject, topic

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Comment by jerry d thomas on January 28, 2011 at 6:36

Scott, I have only been a member for a very short time and really have not been involved in a conversation at all.  Could be I am not aware enough about the system to pick up on a notice of a topic that is being talked about.  Would I receive a notice by e mail or just by loggin on?  The only folks I talked to was those that welcomed me to I knives. 

Thanks for asking 

Comment by Trent Rock on January 28, 2011 at 6:17

it goes without saying- I don't want any people's names here or any of the actual details of the argument, only high-level topics and/or identifying the subject matter.


Ah Man!! That's no fun. OK.


The names have been changed/alluded too to protect the innocent. Except with explicit permission.


T Rock's Top 31 Controversial Subjects In The Knife Universe


1)Chinese made knives and their contribution to the decline of the US manufacturing sector

2)Copying designs without acknowledging the alleged original designer

3)Patents...How can a company patent and enforce a HOLE? ;)

4) Determining  value and pricing knives (price skimming, 3rd degree price discrimination,predatory pricing,penetration pricing,etc.)

5)Ebay sellers who refurbish, repair, or buff knives without full disclosure

6)Giraffe bone handles..In demand or not?

7)Intellectual property violations by China

8)Wal-Mart selling knives and its contribution to the decline of the US manufacturing sector

9)Knife company owners who lie about the extent of their military service

10) Auction collusion/cheating at custom knife events (wheeling and dealing, trading and buying "intent to purchase"  slips to bid on a certain knife)

11)Buyers who win lotto drawings at knife shows and sell the winning knife for an immediate and unreasonable profit

12)The Civil War Bowie retail industry in the south. How many are fakes?

13)Overpriced custom made Damascus steel kitchen knives

14)WWII theater knives... How many are fake?

15)Was Knife Collector/Entrepreneur John Doe 5 a con artist?

16)Was Bowie Knife Collector John Doe 9 a con artist?

17)The 2 EBAY "experts" who have the ability to have alleged fake knives pulled from EBAY

18)The Ron Popeil like antics of a knife company owner located in Ventura,CA

19)Knives that fail while batoning wood

20)Why does Knifetester John Doe 2 wear a mask for his knife destruction tests on YouTube?

21)The superiority of **** Steel™ and Knife Producer John Doe 4's pricing strategies and production levels

22)Moderation of blog posts on a well known internet knife collecting site ;)

23)Knife/Tactical Slingshot Maker John Doe 1 target marketing the hip hop culture

24)Red felt backgrounds on EBAY....An indication of an unmoral seller?

25)The current proliferation or rarity of knife shows (take your pick) and the effects on the custom knife market

26)The Trent Rock vs. The Knife Entrepreneur 

27)Addressing THE Knife Expert John Doe 23 properly in his knife ID forum

28)The effectivness and preservation attributes of  Renaissance Wax

29)The effectivness and preservation (or deterioration)  attributes of  NeetsFoot Oil on leather products

30) The fashionableness of tye-die T-shirts by Knife Collecting Web Site Owner John Doe 33

and last, but not least!!!!===>


31)The morality level, sobriety status, stream of consciousness writing style, lack of punctuation, chronic wall of text posting, propensity to post really, really, large pics in threads that require the viewer to have to scroll to the right to read the other posts in the thread,furtive intentions, use of "=====[>],"and auto-play member page streaming radio station of alleged internet troll John Doe 666 from The Hamlet of Goleta !!!!!


That ought to provide some good discussions for you all...:)


Wait..was I supposed to start at 31 and countdown? Apologies to David Letterman :(


BTW...15 and 16 have passed on to the great knife show in the sky :(


I'll post #'s 32 -60 sometime in Winter 2001.........

Comment by Mig Santos on January 28, 2011 at 5:52
It's true that a lot of ordinary everyday tools are used to hurt or kill. Even a wooden chopstick or a plastic spoon can do the job. Media frenzy also fans the hysteria of this or that blade that we end up with bad laws designed to hurt the innocents and the law-abiding. How ironic our lives can be. Let's just hope Murphy's law doesn't catch up to us...
Comment by john a shavel on January 28, 2011 at 5:30
Well ,of course it would come down to the legality.of various knives.Ever since I was aKid ,I carried a pocket knife. Living in NYC ,only a fool wears rainbow shades.Most knife crime is done using  cheap 99 cent store knives.Yet the poweers that be (you know ,the ones with either private securty or carry permits)are always trying to stop sales of almost all knives.Hell in the UK their even trying to ban points on knives.Ever since thumb studs came on pocket folders,switchblades became obsolete."Assisted opening" knives  are even faster than switches. But still we have the "hood" image instead of reality.And that stops an honest collector from buying .I'm 66, I grew up with switchblades. While I'm sure that there were crimes committed using switchblades,there were also crimes using 2 X4s, hammers, bottles, etc..Point is ,keep the point and stick it to the crazys.
Comment by Mig Santos on January 28, 2011 at 5:26
When talking to someone who thinks a knife is bad because it's only a weapon of destruction, I find it difficult to understand their logic because of the simple fact that we all use knives in preparing our food everyday, in accomplishing chores like cutting string or rope or paper, in forming wood and other materials to make dwellings or toys or useful objects, in opening up a blocked airway or remove a diseased organ, in slicing free a desperate driver or passenger from a stuck seatbelt, or in several other examples in any day. There are so many good uses for a knife, and yet people still consider them as bad objects, as if a knife can command itself to hurt people. Maybe the government should include lessons in knife usage in grade school, or do they consider the Boy Scouts or other similar groups as only fringe and not mainstream organizations?
Comment by Bill Harvey on January 28, 2011 at 4:58

Good work Chris -'pears ou have come up with something more exciting than Miss Ruth? 

And to Gerald just below...

I just got an email from an old friend.  It said that the UPC for stuff made in China will begin w/ a 6.  Stuff made in the good 'ol US, (and Canada) begin w/ a O.  Apparently the words "Made in the USA" don't necessarily mean made in the USA if the product comes from the P's R of China.

Comment by Bill Harvey on January 28, 2011 at 4:29

Interesting topic.  Have to say I enjoyed reading t'other posts.  But not being peripheral kind'a knife guy, the most controversial thing I've gotten into was how--and how not--to sharpen knives.

Comment by wayne schmertzler on January 28, 2011 at 4:00
knives are considered to be weapons. knives can be weapons--but.. as long as archeologists discover remains of man--there will be also found in some form or another the knife--because... without the knife & its advancement through the years--there would be no civilization today!! there would be nothing at all to collect... no jewelry.. no stamps.. no coins.. no civiliztion.. i think that says it all!!
Comment by Relly Carpio on January 28, 2011 at 3:03

How many knives is too many knives. Hahahaha. The Rule of Five. http://www.iknifecollector.com/profiles/blogs/when-is-too-many-kniv...


And if anyone is wondering why we are all so "civil" with each other here? Because we are all adults who know the other guy has at least one knife on him or her. SO best not be fresh. :D 

In Memoriam
Comment by D ale on January 28, 2011 at 2:44

No Kidding !!! .. whatever happened to evaluating by quality .. my Sweetie's  LAGUIOLE (french manufacture)  has  prettier ebony / tighter joints / better steel than many an american made.


I've personally knives of .. british  / swiss / italian / deutsch / usa / canadian / pakistan / japan / china / mexico .. manufacture. It's been my experience .. you may source .. both quality & POS .. from ANYWHERE  !!!!


Comment by Bill Fletcher : ... serious grief slung in both directions regarding country of manufacture.

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