I wonder what kind of person can pay over a $1000.00 dollars for a pocket knife. I also wonder if they carry it or just put it in a safe never to see the light of day again,

 Personally the most I have ever invested in a knife is around 300.00. I have it on display and look at it like it is a piece of art. The wife says it's just a knife but to me it's art.

 I have a stag swayback jack in the shop having it embellished. I'll carry it on very special occasions. Ones where there is very little chance that I'll have to use it. I'll know it's there though.

 I would love to own a Tony Bose custom. I even thought about selling off part of my collection to buy one. Deep down in my heart I know it will never happen. I love my collection. Every knife I own is special to me for one reason or another.

I wonder what it would be like just to hold a knife like that in my hand. I wonder if it would be enough. A friend of mine told me to just start saving. It sounded like a good idea until I had to pass up some really good deals on some very good looking knives. I finally gave in and admitted to myself that unless someone passes on and there wife thinks like mine does and sells off there collection at a flea market or a garage sale. There is very little chance that I'll ever own a top of the line custom knife.

I have to wonder though.

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Comment by Chuck Parham on April 30, 2013 at 6:09

Who pays $1000 for a pocket knife? Someone who can afford it. I think most of us are the Chamagne taste/ beer budget types. Let's look at the other side of the coin. People who do not collect knives say, "How come you need so many?" "Why do they all look alike, don't they make different ones?" "Why are they all so small (or large)?" "What do you get out of collecting a bunch of knives?" These are folks who have yet to discover our passion for collecting cuttlery.

If I had the resources to buy a $1000 knife I would most certainly have one. If I have the money to spend and my family does not suffer any type of hardship by me adding it to my collection, I'm buying it. Right now, for me, a Randall is out of the question. With me being unemployed, even a new Case is stretching it too far. But, there are quality knives made by companies for my limited resources, If you go to the other side of this, what some consider extreme, a person who pays $1000 for a knife is most likely asking, "Who in the world would pay $5000 for a knife?"

We buy what we like but more importantly and accurately, we buy what we can afford.

Comment by Lee Smith on April 30, 2013 at 0:03

Craig you hit the nail right on the head. I like knives. All kinds of knives. Whether there mine or someone else's. 

Comment by Craig Henry on April 29, 2013 at 23:51

Shoot, if it has an edge, I like it. I don't get the whole snob thing. If a person wants to impress me, just act like you honestly love knives no matter what.

Comment by Charles Sample on April 29, 2013 at 21:36


I agree with your comment.  That is one of the things I like about this site.  I don't have any really expensive knives but I have had some very nice comments from people on this site about the knives I do have.  So far I haven't met any snobs on this site.

Comment by Charles Sample on April 29, 2013 at 21:29


I agree totally with you.  I have never worried about the $ thing in my collecting.  I don't have a bottom price.  As an example I just today received the second of two knives I won on eBay.  They were a Bassett mult tool with a scrimshaw handle and a Colonial Prov. USA barlow.  I paid a whopping $16.41 for the two which included shipping.

I don't really know what my top price for a knife is.  It would depend a lot on the knife.  But I have yet to pay as much as $100 for a knife.  And I don't foresee doing that in the  near future  When I go to SMKW in July, I will most likely spend over a hundred dollars but not on one knife.  I will definitely get at least one Case.

Comment by Brad T. on April 29, 2013 at 20:20
I resemble that remark and don't take offense. But, at the same time I have a lot of knives for hard use and they have seen some dogged work.
Comment by Bob Andrews on April 29, 2013 at 19:24

I'll put it as mildly as I can. The people who pay 1000 dollars for a knife don't work in jeans. Or carry a lunch pail.

Comment by Jan Carter on April 29, 2013 at 18:54


LOL on the buttons.  Yes they change constantly!  But some knives are a great deal even at 600, if you have a part of your collection that is for investment.  I know we do

Comment by Brad T. on April 29, 2013 at 18:33

People who would buy a $1000 knife?  I are one. 

But it would have to hit all the buttons required for me to shell it out. Problem is, those buttons change like a daily random combination safe lock.

The most I have ever spent on 1 knife is $600, i paid that for each of my Painted Pony Defenders. The thing about that is now they may be worth grand each.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on April 29, 2013 at 18:28

The $ thing can ruin your good time of knife collecting. Most collectors have a top and bottum price on what they collect. Please, don't feel bad or quit collecting because there are collectors that have a higher end than you do. Enjoy the knives you can afford and don't worry about what the guy down the street collects. My humble opinion.

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