I wonder what kind of person can pay over a $1000.00 dollars for a pocket knife. I also wonder if they carry it or just put it in a safe never to see the light of day again,

 Personally the most I have ever invested in a knife is around 300.00. I have it on display and look at it like it is a piece of art. The wife says it's just a knife but to me it's art.

 I have a stag swayback jack in the shop having it embellished. I'll carry it on very special occasions. Ones where there is very little chance that I'll have to use it. I'll know it's there though.

 I would love to own a Tony Bose custom. I even thought about selling off part of my collection to buy one. Deep down in my heart I know it will never happen. I love my collection. Every knife I own is special to me for one reason or another.

I wonder what it would be like just to hold a knife like that in my hand. I wonder if it would be enough. A friend of mine told me to just start saving. It sounded like a good idea until I had to pass up some really good deals on some very good looking knives. I finally gave in and admitted to myself that unless someone passes on and there wife thinks like mine does and sells off there collection at a flea market or a garage sale. There is very little chance that I'll ever own a top of the line custom knife.

I have to wonder though.

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Comment by Lee Smith on April 29, 2013 at 17:27

Jan maybe I need to quit looking at Ebay. lol

Comment by Jan Carter on April 29, 2013 at 17:08

Honestly guys if i could afford it there are MANY knives over 1000 that I would love to have.  As it is I believe there may be one or two in my collection that sell for that amount but we certainly did not pay that for them LOL

There are many folks I know that choose to only collect these types of items.  Instead of 200-400 knives they have 5-10 knives.  They have probably spent less than us all told for their collection.

One of the aspects of iKnife that I adore is that we dont care what you collect.  Sharp objects are good with us.  Whether it is a frost of a Dellana, your ok in my book :)

Comment by Craig Henry on April 29, 2013 at 16:41

Hmmm, good topic. I wouldn't pay that kind of money for a knife because I come at knives from a different angle. I like plain old everyday using knives. Cutting tools. That's what knives were intended for. I like looking at the fancy stuff, and I've even owned fairly expensive knives, but generally I like sticking to the  "peon workers". LOL! 

And that's one reason For many years now, for the most part, I don't like "limited editions" or "club knives".  As far as rare knives go, I like them but I'd rather put my money in newer knives. 

And remember, all of those rare expensive old knives were once just "plain old everyday users" that people would drop in the pocket, use up, break, lose, etc.!  

Comment by Charles Sample on April 29, 2013 at 14:40

I would never pay $1,000 for a knife.  I don't have that kind of money and am not that kind of collector.  The most I personally ever paid for a knife was around $60 or $80 (don't remember for sure which) for my Buck Omni Hunter.  And I bought it as a user mainly to field dress my deer.  I paid around $50 for a couple of my Case knives and I don't expect to ever use them.

I didn't start out to be a knife collector.  It just sorta happened.  Over the years I accumulated knives and suddenly I had a collection!  I received several as gifts, purchased several as souvenirs of places I visited, and if one caught my eye and wasn't too expensive, I bought it.

Several of my knives have much more value to me than any monetary worth.  I would rather have several nice knives than one mega expensive one.  There are people who could pay $1,000 for a knife as easily as I could pay $10.  For those people, more power to them.

Comment by Lee Smith on April 29, 2013 at 13:06

When I started collecting knives. I said I would never collect anything that I would not drop in my pocket and carry. That went out the window real fast.

White River Knives

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