Here we go again! I already have two of these in perfect condition, so I found this slightly used version for cheap, (at least cheap for one of these), so I can use one as EDC. Buck #329 Trapper, (also known as "Freedom Trapper" when imprinted and in a gift tin). Needs a good cleaning as you can see, but after a few swipes on a steel and a strop it sharpened right up. This is the one and only yellow handled knife in my EDC rotation. I believe they were a special order, they came plain like this one, and an imprinted one in a gift tin, I have one of each in new condition, but I do not have the gift tin. Unlike a "real" SFO, this one has the model number stamped on the tang, but no date code. Made by Camillus, I can find little other info on it, so all I can say is "I think" it was made in the mid 90's, (Camillus was still making SFO's and other knives for Buck at that time).

So here it is, and please stand by, I have an SMKW order which is somewhere in limbo at the moment, so I will eventually show off the new knives here, (not Bucks btw). Cya!

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