One of the unique features of iKC is the membership's ability to write on knife related topics for the benefit of the entire community.

Since we have had many new members join since the last time I talked about our blogs, allow me to once again remind us how we use our blogs and how we don't :)

Blogging/writing to the community is primarily for the purpose of educating or informing the readers on a topic you have expertise or a passion about....usually knife related. iKC blogs are similar in nature to an article in a magazine or newspaper, if you will.

Once you've written your post, proof it, and proof it again. Best to write it in a word processing program where you can run spell check (one day NING will incorporate spellcheck, but not yet).

Then after you've written it, add related photos...and even headings. Make is easy to read.

Since iKC is a newer community, we have lots of room for our members who like to write to carve a niche as an authority on a given subject- like knifemaking, knife photography, scrimshawing, engraving, knife reviews, videoblogs, old knives, caring for your knives, selling knives, buying knives, how to start a collecting, how to determine your collection's direction, how to value knives, tools and resources available to knife collectors, knife shows, etc.

Our blog is not to be used to simply ask a question (please use the appropriate forum/discussion for that) or to attempt to promote one's business or sell knives, or just to say "Hi" or "Thanks" (please post a reply back to the member or use your STATUS for these instances).

As time goes on I know iKC's blog will have writers who are favorite reads by our members.

I've prepared two overview videos to help when considering blogging and how to do it.

One other helpful resource is: 23 Questions for Prospective Bloggers And while these questions were developed for "full-time" bloggers, they help you think through your approach and message.

Thanks and looking forward to your blogs.

Blogging to the Knife Community Part I

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Tags: blog, blogger, community-blog, using-blogs, vlogs

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