A few more of the knives I received just yesterday:

The knife below I believe is a Pruner.  It has a tip much like the Hawkbill, but the handle of the Hawkbill makes it stand out.

This knife is from Colonial.  An inexpensive knife, but interesting because of the 2nd blade.  Most pruners I have seen only have one blade.  The 2nd blade here is a screwdriver blade.  It has a factory edge, but I don't believe either blade ever got sharpened.

I can't complain.  This knife cost me $8.49


The next knife is really interesting.

This one is for Miss Jan:

From Hale Brothers, Sheffield England we have a knife with 2 blades plus a Marlin Spike.

Having the Marlin Spike in my mind makes it some sort of Sailor's knife even though neither blade looks like what I expect on a Sailor's knife.

Sailors use the Marlin spike to help unknot their ropes.  Stick the point of the blade into the knot, twist it and move it until you get traction and the knot begins to loosen.

It also has a pinched bolster which I was told many years ago helps water to move off the handle so it is not so slippery.



Views: 121

Tags: Colonial, Marlin, spike

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Comment by Lee Saunders on May 6, 2012 at 21:17

I didn't know that J.J.  That makes a lot of sense.  I bet that's what this knife is.

Comment by J.J. Smith III on May 6, 2012 at 20:34

Spike knives used to be issued to Army personnel also.  Quite possably it's from one of them.

White River Knives

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