I apologize for being a little overwhelmed right now, it's only been about six weeks since my husband died unexpectedly and I'm just starting to understand what I'm facing here. Richard collected. Anything. Everything. He was the guy at the auction who bid a buck on a box full of junk just to get the auctioneer moving along. And he still had every one of those boxes of junk, somewhere. I have only been through the bedroom and 'his' room so far, but I think I've gathered the majority of the knife hoard. I also filled 2 laundry baskets with tubs and tins and boxes of small tools, nuts, bolts, fasteners, micro-collectibles, and just 'stuff' - all that still needs sorted through - plus dozens of containers of things I was starting to sort out but put aside to go through this winter. (He also collected containers and tins and old cheese boxes and...) I still have ahead of me: the entire stuffed basement, the old granary, his half of the garage, a 16x60 house trailer, a 16x40 chicken shed, an old barn foundation full of metal and junk, and the old summer kitchen which I believe holds mostly old iron and porcelain wood burning stoves. I have disposed of a fifth wheel camper we never used because, hello, we didn't have a truck that could pull it; an unused boat and trailer, and the last two of 15 various nonfunctional vehicles that lined the back of the property. The knives, at least, seem to have been more or less consolidated into the two rooms I've inventoried, and hopefully they have some value. And they are much more interesting to poke through than the countess totes full of old glassware and canning jars and auction miscellany filling the farm sheds. I don't know how we coexisted more or less peacefully for over 40 years. I hate clutter, I'm not a fan of the care and maintenance of clutter. But to Richard, this wasn't clutter, it was all fascinating and interesting and something to do. Unfortunately, now it's all clutter again.

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Comment by Linda K Kimbrel on October 18, 2016 at 21:25
I appreciate your interest. J.J. Smith, you don't need be concerned over my unloading on eBay! Just the thought makes my teeth hurt. Right now I have a vague notion of somehow organizing the majority of this stuff for auction. (More than once I promised him when he died I would be having the biggest auction this county had ever seen.). There is just SO MUCH stuff, and while he does have a lot of really cool and unique items, a lot of it is just stuff, and there is far too much of it to do anything with in a rush. For some things, like his knives, I feel like there are better options than auction. I will definitely be giving Jan a call!

Comment by Jeremy B. Buchanan on October 18, 2016 at 19:18

I am sorry for your loss Linda, but i do have an appreciation for the things Richard collected. I have not been able to collect all of the things that I enjoy, but have also learned that I can enjoy looking at them in antique shops or at auctions without having to own them all. I don't envy you at all for having to go through all of the stuff, but I hope you are able to recall some of the memories you had sharing with him. Take your time and don't get overwhelmed.

Comment by J.J. Smith III on October 18, 2016 at 15:58
Start small! Linda. Resist the urge to unload everything, at once, on eBay.
Comment by Jan Carter on October 18, 2016 at 13:21


I am sure this is all overwhelming, it would be for me.  I sent you a message with my phone number, give me a call.  We can get you to folks that can help and we can help some here

Comment by Steve Scheuerman (Manx) on October 18, 2016 at 12:50

Makes me wish I was closer to come help out. Sounds like a big job. I dunno about all the other collectables, but we can certainly help with the knives. Whenever you are ready, let us know and we can get you rolling on identifying what you have there, hopefully pinning values down and some suggestions where to sell them. We would be happy to help. Us sharp people stick together and watch out for each other...and family. Take your time, go at your own pace, and know help is here when you need it!

White River Knives

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