While staying distanced from most of society, I've been attempting to narrow what my favorite models are. Upon finding a splitback whittler a while back, I'm heavily leaning into this type model. I adore GEC made knives and like most have a harder time acquiring this variety in them. Being patient I did manage to dig up one that really trips my trigger. I've found the 57 examples are definitely my thing. One day I hope to find a 38 American Whittler in the splitbacks but definitely not holding my breath as I know it's a top model for many others also. They're just what my knife dreams are made of.

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Comment by T. Smith on August 22, 2021 at 20:44

Gosh, I had a 42 Ind Paintbrush. I only let loose of to return to original owner bc he had one of my whittlers I needed and couldn't get. It is a stunning example indeed. I appreciate your thoughtful well wishes. As you know, it's harder than ever to acquire those. Thank you sincerely & wishing you the best on your journey as well friend! :)

Comment by dead_left_knife_guy on August 22, 2021 at 20:39

I acquired a taste for GEC Missouri Traders / 42's, & I let one pass through my fingers in the "Indian Paintbrush" coloration -- something I still beat myself up for, several years on.  Looking back on it, it's a wonder that I was able to acquire the two that I own (a 42, & a 99).  GEC's have become so hard to acquire I just gave up on them.  I'm wishing you luck & wishing you well on your quest, friend!

Comment by T. Smith on August 22, 2021 at 16:57

As I jot this down, I'm praying everyone in our communities are in a healthy space today. :) Yes, I'm still actively searching for GEC 38 Grinlings, Farmers along with any Queen farmer jacks. This has to be a lifelong search as I've certainly hit more dead ends than uncovering of these.lol  I'll just keep digging as they just hit all the right marks for me. Someone send any extra luck my way, please? Heaven knows I'll be needing it! To all our wonderful community members, I hope everyone will enjoy a wonderful National Knife Day on the 24th! Be safe, take care of each other and knife on my friends! ;)

Comment by T. Smith on December 4, 2020 at 0:10

Hello there J.J.! I sure appreciate all the luck tossed my way as I do know I'll need it all. lolI hope you're doing well, cousin. :)

Comment by J.J. Smith III on December 4, 2020 at 0:00

Good luck in the search, cousin.

Comment by T. Smith on December 3, 2020 at 16:21

Yes indeed. That'd be the sweet one I'd love to uncover but it seems those are hidden quite well. Of course I would be drawn to the hardest to find Jan! lol

Comment by Jan Carter on December 3, 2020 at 16:10

The grinling whittler is a sweet one indeed the 381315's come up every now and again.  The ones I don't see come up are the black camel bones

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