In my opinion, Fontenille-Pataud makes the most beautiful European (not only French) production knives.

I'm fond of their skills.

They have Laguioles...


but not ONLY Laguioles :

(this Yssigeaux pattern is one of my favorites).



But you are allowed to prefer this Saint-Martin :


or this Corsican "vendetta" :


May I suggest you to have a look at their site 


(in English) ?

Views: 2452

Tags: Fontenille-Pataud, French, Laguiole, knives

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In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on June 28, 2011 at 11:42
Well done, Jean!
Comment by Jean-François on June 28, 2011 at 11:07
Luca (especially) :


I give you more information now, without waiting to find time to be more complete. To be brief, then: H.D.’s Laguiole knives are great:




1) I was told that they purchase their Standard range knives from other manufacturers (in Thiers); this range is not particularly interesting (H. D. also markets branded Joker Laguiole, made in Spain) O.K. – just O.K.

2) To my taste, the handles on the Prestige range are too thick, too heavy for a Laguiole knife, which should remain rather slim :

3) The same applies to certain models of the Première Collection, which I think are also too ornate:


5) In contrast, full handle patterns seem perfect in 11 cm



or 12 cm:


However, Fontenille-Pataud also produces what you are seeking for:




and I love them very much.


But there are also other beautiful Laguiole in lesser-known producers:




You should come and visit them.


In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on June 27, 2011 at 13:48
Jean, I'll try to post a picture of the knives latter. Thanks for bringing them up for everyone to see.
Comment by Jean-François on June 26, 2011 at 15:29

That's perfectly exact : "Laguioles", especially cheap ones, even sold by French companies, are mostly made in China - some of which can be rather good EDC, and some NOT : be careful, look twice.

You can find this kind of stuff on eBay (not cheap!) :


...at €200. Don't buy at €20, even not at €2 (to much for this bad joke)!

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on June 26, 2011 at 14:28
I heard that the name Laguiole was not trade mark registered. They are being copied by companies in China and it's legal. A person will have to be very careful when ordering a Laguiole. I know this because I have one of both. I don't want to scare anyone from getting a Laguiole, just becareful.
Comment by Jan Carter on June 25, 2011 at 18:55
We have a few Laguiole also.  I will try to find them in the safe and put pics on this weekend.  I love them.  The pictures above on the Yssigeaux pattern are exquisite.  The form on them looks very user friendly for smaller hands like myself

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on June 25, 2011 at 18:10
Jean, that's it I think it's some type of Juniper wood. It had a name for the type. Thanks buddy.
Comment by Jean-François on June 25, 2011 at 15:41

Bob : It's really hard to say without seeing pics, or without smelling the wood. You certainly  would have recognized birch or walnut. Has it a strong, pleasantly spicy, smell? I would bet for Pricky Juniper wood (Latin:  Juniperus oxycedrus; French: genévrier cade):


 Does it look like this?

Luca: Yes, the top-end Laguioles  of Honoré Durand are really TOP-END, especially since  Jean-Marc CAYRON ("Meilleur Ouvrier de France" 2007) is working for them…  I try to give you more precisions in the coming days.

In Memoriam
Comment by Robert Burris on June 25, 2011 at 11:14
Guys maybe ya'll could help me. The Laguiole knife that I have is made of wood from a tree that grows at the tree line in the Alps. I wonder if ya'll would know what it is?
Comment by Luca Vignelli on June 24, 2011 at 15:41

Jean-Francois, What is your opinion of the Laguiole knives made by La Cotellerie de Laguiole Honroe Durand? I am considering a 12cm full handle, "plein manche", model from their Premiere Collection, in snakewood, "amourette", ebony, and black buffalo horn. 


How is their fit and finish compared to Fontenille-Pataud? Unfortunately F-P doesn't offer a 12cm full handle model.

Let me know your thoughts, thanks.

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