Here is a real eBay release / I hope I can define more of what's called (search integrity) later this week....

Good iRetailors deal with this nonsense

NOTE TO EBAY SCREENERS----The BONE referred in this auction is not from an endangered species or an item whose importation is BANNED. The BONE is from an AMERICAN COW--The kind we eat everyday--steak, ground beef, beef stew meat, hamburger, etc. The breed of the cow might be Gersey, Black Angus, Herford, or perhaps a mixed breed. The bone is taken from the shin bone of the cow(After it is dead), dried, sawed, jigged, dyed, and pinned to the liner of the knife. Please do not end my auction because I used the word "bone".

Is this “talking the language of the deal”

How about all the items offered, did you get what your sort was about! Or did you get about 40% other items? Were they bid or no bid?

More later!

Thanks Frank

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Comment by Brad Hyde on November 4, 2009 at 18:25
This is the exact reason why I no longer sell on Ebay and the fact that Ebay keeps increases their fees.

I got tired of their liberal ways and political correctness in determining what you can list and not list.

As I stated in another blog: I had a Case Muskrat with mammoth ivory handles...the auction got pulled (kicked off) because of the word "ivory". When I call Ebay about it they told me that ivory items could not be sold on Ebay because they didn't want to encourage the poaching of ivory (elephants and walrus). Well...unless Ebay has time machines for sale I don't think there will be much poaching of mammoth ivory. I have to wonder how long it will be before the Ebay idiots will ban selling elephant toenails........knives because of the words "elephant toenail". :)

White River Knives




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