NEW American Made Products

With the unemployment rate toping 10 percent for the first time since the early 1980's, it is more important than ever to support American workers. An easy way to support an American worker is to buy American made products. We have made this even easier by pulling together our American made product selection onto one quick reference page. Whether you are looking for a knife, display case, baton or flashlight we have great American made product available and at great prices.

I thought this from an iRetailer today was more important than a Blog about the statistics on eBay!

We all are affected by this in one fashion or form…. Should it be considered in our “collecting”…???? You bet it should! Great Eastern Cutlery, Bear and Sons, Colonel Coon, Queen – Schatt & Morgan Ontario, Case, and many other great USA knife makers need your “New” purchase support.

As a collector / investor, with a few exceptions, Made in The USA has been the best bet in the past; let’s make it the same for the future of this passion we all pursue!

eBay “Search Engine Integrity” can wait until later this week!


Views: 61

Tags: american, ebay, evans, frank

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Comment by Doug Scearce on November 10, 2009 at 16:13
I love America!! And what it Stands for Freedom!!! And we would not have if not for ALL that has Fought in wars too keep its FREEDOMS !!And there's a lot of people whom did not fight but was at home in America building the goods it took to fight !! To make it a level playing field we need to Import as much goods as we Exported.
Comment by Robert Hale on November 10, 2009 at 15:09
I fully agree with Scott and when it comes to issues like what we're experiencing with the Automotive industry. Entrepreneurs will always jump up and fill a gap when there's an opportunity and that can't happen when the government is propping up these failed and mismanaged businesses.

However, this isn't an issue of Jingoism, nobody is suggesting that you should "Buy American....or else". Quality knives are being made all over the world and I'm not suggesting that you should buy them (especially since I sell many of them). But with a level playing field, why not spend your money where it may come back to benefit you or your neighbor...

I read a magazine article a couple months ago about how Buck Knives was revamping their manufacturing practices in order to be able competitively move all production back to the United States. These types of efforts should be applauded and we should do all we can to support them.

In Memoriam
Comment by Scott King on November 10, 2009 at 13:20
Just for another perspective and some healthy, respectful, conversation :)

At the outset- I am proud to be an American. I want all American's to succeed (however, each person defines success) and I want prosperity for my children and theirs on down the line. {Now I am a bit of a non-conformists, but you know that, otherwise, we'd all be talking over at BladeForums or AAPK, now wouldn't we? :) }

While every toenail I have was made in America, except the English-made Lockwood Bros stag, and at the risk of getting banned from iKC for being percieved as anti-American- I want to be able to buy the best knife I can afford, both in terms of quality and price without the need to feel I must "support a cause." And if I don't made to feel I'm anti- American. You know what I mean.

Heck, look at electronics- our computers, phones, TV's, camcorders, etc, etc. I don't know the actual number, but dare to say most are made overseas- but folks don't get down on us not buying American for these products.

While I'm playing devil's advocate there- but there are going to be folks read this who don't feel comfortable saying what I just did, so I'm going speak the unspoken.

We all know there is a lot of junk coming from overseas in terms of quality, no doubt- the cheap prices don't even matter, in terms of making me want to buy them, BUT what if.....say W R Case decided it was going to move to Bejing. Would we not still buy their high-quality knives? I would.

That's an easy one. Try this one then- say, TOPS- High Quality Hand-Made Knives, Inc opened in Taiwan tomorrow. AG Russell and Orvis immediately started carrying their knives in their high-end glossy mags. TOPS rated as high quality as Case, or GE- would we not buy them just because they weren't from America?

I know it's much more complicated than this, but protectionism isn't the answer to competing. It is, instead, producing knives folks want. There have always been quality cutlery produced in other parts of the world.

One of the valued aspects of being American is that of choice. I don't want to buy just because "it goes for a good cause." That's like providing aid to a company. Don't get me wrong, I know Buy American supports the American workforce and our economy. BUT if we need to make adjustments to compete, then let's do it. It will be healthier for our Country (and our knife companies) to bite the bullet and get competitive than to be protected and obsolete.

Who knows if today's knife companies can't compete- on all terms, and who is to say that one of the iKC knife makers won't become tomorrow's Case, or heck, Gillette, for that matter. You know- it has to start somewhere-- Making a few dozen knives a year, then hiring some folks and making a few hundred knives....then some more folks and making thousands..... Opportunity is born from the seeds of adversity.

Again, let me repeat. In the long run- "It will be healthier for our Country to bite the bullet and get competitive than to be protected and obsolete."

Don't throw rocks or tomatoes, only money :) I'm a capitalist, what can I say.... but that's what built our great Country- the engine that drove everything.
Comment by Frank Evans on November 10, 2009 at 11:36
Outstanding! Robert! Thank you as well we should remember in USA Custom knife makers too! They're Made in America! Made by Americans!


Comment by Robert Hale on November 10, 2009 at 11:33
We're also in the process of putting together a Made in the USA section on our website to feature the American made products that we sell including Anza, Bark River, Buck, Case, Emerson, RAT, Silver Stag, Tops, etc.

White River Knives

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