Case XX 6137 Pocket Worn Antique Bone Sodbuster Jr, the jig is Peachseed. Also got a Case XX 6318 Rough Black Medium Stockman with Rough Black scales, (ie; Gum Fuddy, indestructible). Though the Coping blade rubs on the Sheepsfoot blade leaving a scratch, I don't want to do a back & forth return during the holiday season, plus I am just going to use it anyway. I have a Case Seahorse Whittler with the same issue. What's up with Case 3-blade knives? Anyway, just wanted the Jr because it looks cool, and wanted a second Rough Black knife to be a user. I have a Case Russlock with the same handles, but they aren't as user friendly as a Stockman is, so I decided on the Stockman.

These were Christmas gifts to myself, but unlike most years I didn't splurge on a new Buck knife for myself, so I might have to raid the kitty again and get myself a Buck too. Have a great week, cheers!

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Comment by Syd Carr on December 11, 2020 at 17:54

Ok, then it's not just me! I noticed the same things, which is part of the reason I'll be using these knives, no worries if I beat them up a little. At this point I only buy Case knives because they have so many handle choices, but side by side Buck is better all the way. I have several Stockman frame Buck knives and not a one of them rubs, and every three blade Case I have DOES rub. A knife maker/smithy I know in northern GA warned me about Case knives a few years ago, I think I believe him now. Their components are basically well made, it just seems they are cutting corners on quality control a bit.

Comment by Dennis Hibar on December 11, 2020 at 17:09

Nuttin wrong with treating yourself to a little Christmas enjoyment there Syd!  And I hear you on the blade rubs.  I've just come to expect it ... that way, when I get a three-blader that is perfectly seated in the frame I feel like I've won the lottery!!  Of course, what really bugs me of late is the horrible sharpening job on most of the Case knives I get.  The burrs are so pronounced that you could cut yourself on them!  Okay ... maybe I am exaggerating my l displeasure level ... since I tend to resharpen all the ones I get anyway! I find that resharpening is not only relaxing ... but cheaper than therapy.  Enjoy your Christmas treats!

White River Knives

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